Sharlene M - StoryTerrace - Books That Matter
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Sharlene M

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Sharlene is an experienced writer and former educator who is adept at teasing out the funny little anecdotes you’d almost forgotten. She is patient and sensitive with other people’s histories and likes to rebuild them with care. As an author of original fiction for learners, educational materials for teachers, articles for parents, lifestyle pieces and the odd children’s book, writing is simply the thing that she does best. Born in London, Sharlene grew up listening to her parents’ colourful tales of childhoods in Malaysia and Kenya. She believes that real life holds the very best stories and that sharing them is the ultimate legacy.



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As a Story Terrace writer, Sharlene M interviews customers and turns their life stories into books. Get to know our writer better by reading the autobiographical anecdote below!

Use the Fours

I will never be comfortable buying things in quantities of four. As a child, my mother repeatedly told us that it was a bad number – something to do with the word for the number four having the same sound as the word for death. I didn’t speak much Mandarin, so I didn’t really get it, but the notion of an unlucky number was enough to haunt me into buying everything in quantities of three or five. If I were making dinner for four, I’d tell myself it was always good to have a spare in case something went wrong, or an unexpected guest arrived.

As the silver in my own hair started to take hold, I began to see the holes in Mum’s many arguments. Not all the best fruit comes from South Africa. Leaving rice on my plate won’t lead to a spotty husband. Chocolate doesn’t give me nosebleeds.

After thinking about this for some time, and watching a lot of QI, I started to think how silly I was being. Houses have four walls, most families that I knew had four members, The Fantastic Four made it to the end of their last film, albeit with terrible reviews. On top of that, I started dating a scientist, and I blushed as I could hear him scoffing silently as I dithered over three or five tomatoes in Tesco.

So, one day I decided to leave my superstition at the automatic door and rashly, boldly, defiantly I bought four tomatoes. I got home safely, unpacked my bags without disaster, made a cup of tea without burning myself and flopped down onto the sofa, relaxed and just a little bit smug. I would celebrate with a biscuit. As I stood up, I swung my leg out and smacked the outside edge of my left foot hard into the wooden trunk that was our coffee table. I swore, loudly. Tears of pain rolled out as my little toe screamed at me.

I bandaged it up, splinting it clumsily to the next toe and kept it under wraps for a week. Every time I stretched out my foot it throbbed. When the deep aubergine bruise had faded and it felt a little less fractured I finally unveiled it to myself. I found that it hadn’t yet fully healed and was still rounder and redder than usual, resembling a small, singular baby tomato.

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