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How to Write a Successful Business Book: 10 Essential Tips You Need to Know

Create a business book that establishes you as a thought leader and allows you to stand out in the crowd.

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Family History Books: How to Document Your Ancestry for Future Generations

There’s immense value in capturing your family history—for today, tomorrow, and for future generations. Here’s how to create a keepsake for the ages.

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How to Write a Book About your Life in 7 Easy Steps

Your story will unveil pivotal life events and how they have shaped you. Putting it all down in words can be quite a challenge. Don’t worry; we have you covered in 7 easy steps if you are wondering how to write a book about your life.

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The Ultimate Guide to Writing a Memoir

For the ultimate guide to writing a memoir - look no further!

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Meet Alan and Marilyn Robbins: A Love Story

In honour of Valentine’s Day, we’re sharing one of our favourite love stories. Alan and Marilyn Robbins have been married for 51 years and told us all about how they first met.

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Love and Dating Across the Centuries

Take a walk through history with StoryTerrace as we uncover the origins of dating and how it's progressed — we’ve come a long way!

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Life Stories
Meet Alex and Barbara Lutkus: A Love Story

Alex and Barbara Lutkus have been happily married for 50 years. So what’s their secret?

Every couple has a story of how they first met.

One of my great professional pleasures is interviewing StoryTerrace customers to find out more about their amazing life stories. Each one is different and completely fascinating in its own way, but I must admit I have a soft spot for the love stories. There’s something so inspiring about sitting down with a couple and hearing them finish each other’s sentences as they recount the history of their relationship.

And so it was with Alex and Barbara Lutkus. Though we weren’t face to face for our talk, I could still hear their deep connection in their voices on the line as they told me about their 50-year marriage.

Alex and Barbara’s StoryTerrace biography.

Alex and Barbara, like so many storytellers before them, received their StoryTerrace package as a gift from their daughter. "She discovered the service through a neighbor," Barbara recalls. The couple received their StoryTerrace gift to mark their fiftieth wedding anniversary and completed a series of four interviews with a professional writer this past spring.

When asked if the pandemic made working with a writer more challenging, Alex had no complaints. They each sent the writer prepared thoughts ahead of time and then answered follow-up questions over the phone. "We just followed the process," Alex recalls. "She always kept us informed of the progress"

One Marriage, Two Voices

Alex and Barbara on their wedding day in Oakland, California in 1971.

From the moment they met, Alex and Barbara had two distinct voices. As Alex tells it in the book, he was initially attracted to Barbara due to her London accent, which floated to him on the air through a crowded club. Their relationship is the story of blending two unique backgrounds — she's from England, he's from New York City — as they settled together in California, thousands of miles from where either grew up.

In their StoryTerrace book, Barbara and Alex chose to maintain their two voices. Each section of the book is devoted to an era in their lives, but the writer cleverly crafted the book so that the narration bounces back and forth between Alex and Barbara. In this way, the readers — which will eventually include the couple's grandchildren — get a good sense of exactly what each of them was thinking as they met, married, and began their life together.

Some Valentine’s Day Advice

By the time Alex introduced Barbara to his family in New York City in 1969, he knew he would propose.

I spoke to Alex and Barbara in February, so I couldn't resist asking them to share some advice to other couples for Valentine’s Day. Barbara didn’t hesitate: "Enjoy the time on your own as much as possible first," she says, listing traveling and time with friends as important parts of a well-rounded life. "The fact that we were 29 and 30 when we got married was huge because the older you are, the more you appreciate what you have."

Alex agrees. "If you’re young, naive, and immature, that’s a bad time to get married. You’ll know when you’re ready."

On Making Love Last

Alex and Barbara celebrating Thanksgiving with their children and grandchildren in California.

Five decades of marriage is an incredible milestone, so I asked Barbara and Alex about the secret to staying together for so many years. For Alex, communication is key: "Talk to each other — a lot," he says. "You want to develop plans and stay in tune with each other so that you’re doing things together, not separately."

Barbara was a bit more philosophical. "There are many reasons we’re still together," she says, "but above all, we both began with the determination that we expected it to last."

And so it did.

Does your family have an amazing love story to tell? StoryTerrace can help you get it down on paper to preserve it forever. To find out more about working with our professional writers, get in touch today or sign up for our newsletter to read more real-life stories from our customers.

February 13, 2025
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Life Stories
Love stories: finding love at the parents without partners dance

StoryTerrace writer Celeste Hamilton Dennis on the experience of capturing Deborah Schroeder's life story, "My Boys, My Life". Plus, Celeste's video interview of what it's like to write for StoryTerrace.

Deborah Schroeder told me she met her second husband at a PWP dance. Did I know what that was?

I nodded. "Parents Without Partners."

She went on to tell me about the first time she met Ronin, the charismatic President of the local PWP chapter. Her friend naturally thought they should meet. Their first dance was awkward and ended with Deborah twirling into someone else's arms. They clicked at their second dance a few months later, gliding on the dancefloor like Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers. They've now been married for over three decades.

Watch: Celeste on the experience of writing biographies with Story Terrace

I loved hearing Deborah talk about PWP. I'd grown up going to various PWP events as a kid in the 80s and 90s, whether picnics at Eisenhower Park or a long summer weekend camp on a lake in the Catskills. Like Deborah, my mom was a single parent. But I hadn't heard the name PWP mentioned in years, and in fact, never really talked to my mom about it other than laughing about that one year on the lake when a bunch of brace-faced misfits (myself included) did a rendition of The Who's Tommy.

"I always leave my StoryTerrace interviews feeling lucky."

Talking with Deborah felt like talking with a friend. Even before I'd met Deborah, I'd felt like I'd known her. Out of the few bullets on information I received beforehand, the one that stuck out was “she likes to go out with her girlfriends.” She valued having a community of women. So did I.

At her kitchen table over the course of two days, I was privy to all sorts of interesting things about her rich and varied life. I learned more about Portland’s Rose Parade, an annual tradition in my adopted city, and how she was in the running for Rose City princess in high school. I got an intimate glimpse of what life was like as a single mom of three boys for many years, and admired her unwavering devotion to them. I heard about the women’s fashion shop she managed alongside her mother before taking over herself—and that Seattle has great fabric markets. We laughed easily together.

I always leave my StoryTerrace interviews feeling lucky. In this case, I felt lucky to have another viewpoint of Portland history. As a mother myself, I also felt lucky to absorb her wisdom about love and motherhood—especially from a single mom perspective. “My boys were my life,” she told me. Whether making sure they got the best education or showing up for every sporting event, she did everything she could to ensure they thrived.

My mom, a single mother who worked as a bowling alley waitress, did the same.

It doesn't happen all the time, but every now and then I really click with my interviewees. Deborah and I really clicked. Just when I wished I’d had more time with her, she casually mentioned she'd like to have our family over for dinner as I was walking out the door. I wasn’t surprised. That was Deborah—warm, inviting, and ever so generous.

First, though, I had a call to make. “Mom, I realized I never asked you much about PWP," I said when she picked up the phone. “Tell me more.”

You can learn more about Deborah's experience of making her book, on our blog. To find out more about working with us, subscribe to our newsletter, or get in touch via our contact page.

February 13, 2025
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6 Ways to Say I Love You (No Chocolate Required)

There’s got to be a better way to show you care than a box of chocolates! Try some of our favourite out-of-the-box ideas for a more meaningful gift.

It’s that time of year again.

No sooner is the Christmas tinsel down than cherubic cupids take over as the retail decor of choice. Everything is red and covered in hearts, all in an attempt to get you to buy a gift for your sweetie.

Don’t get us wrong — we like that there’s a day set aside specifically to show people you love them. We love the idea of reaching out and making interpersonal connections.

But surely there’s a better way to do that than with a box of chocolates?

The best gifts come imbued with meaning for both the giver and the recipient. Some people have a talent for choosing a gift that speaks volumes — but the rest of us can learn to do better.

Try some of these out-of-the-box ideas to give a meaningful gift this Valentine’s Day — or any time you want to surprise someone special with an amazing present.

1. The Opportunity to Explore a New Talent

Most people have something they’ve always wanted to learn how to do. Whether it’s using a pottery wheel, figure skating, or baking a perfect pie, life often gets in the way of our creative pursuits. So why not give your loved one a nudge in the right direction with a gift card covering a workshop or series of lessons? Learning a new skill is hugely rewarding, and it boosts brain health, too.

Creative Workshop

2. A Little Breathing Room

Valentine’s Day is all about togetherness, but everyone needs time alone to rest, recharge, and be more fully themselves. You can support your partner in this endeavour by giving the gift of space. Instead of a spa day or massage — which only lasts for a few hours at most — give the gift of meditation. Meditation provides a wealth of cognitive and health benefits, including an increased capacity for awe. Also, there’s an app for that.

The Message Behind the Gift: I respect you as a complete person, and I want you to enjoy lasting peace in your life.

3. A Living Companion

Sometimes when you’re bursting at the seams with big feelings, it’s hard to know what to do with all that emotion. Bringing a pet into someone’s life can create a tangible object of affection and focus that energy for good. Forging a bond with an animal is a gift that can lower blood pressure, boost mood, and more. An animal can also help combat loneliness if you and your loved one live far apart.

The Message Behind the Gift: I have felt your love, and I know that you have so much more of it to give.

Pet Companion

4. A Year’s Worth of Flowers

Flowers are a pretty traditional Valentine’s Day gift, but they don’t last long. Solve this problem by giving your loved one a subscription to monthly bouquets so that the fresh arrangements just keep coming. The beauty of this gift is precisely that flowers are ephemeral: There’s nothing practical about them, so it’s a gift with no ulterior motive other than to make someone happy.

The Message Behind the Gift: I think you are beautiful, and I want you to be surrounded by beautiful things.

5. A Session With a Personal Biographer

What could be more meaningful than the chance to tell the story of your life? At StoryTerrace, we connect people with professional writers to create a truly special memoir. The process allows the storyteller to gain perspective on their life and share what they’ve learned with others — and at the end of the journey, your loved one has a marvellous, hardcover book to enjoy forever.

The Message Behind the Gift: I see you, and you’re so important to me that I want to preserve a piece of you to last for all time.

Personal Biographer

StoryTerrace client Didin Donckers (left) sat down with one of our professional writers, Eef Lanoye, in the comfort of her home

6. A Lifelong Dream

Gifts are highly personal, and only you know what your partner wants more than anything else. Whether that’s seeing Hamilton on the West End or hiking Ben Nevis, you might be able to make it happen. Not all "bucket list" adventures are expensive, so don’t be afraid to get creative to turn a lifelong wish into reality.

The Message Behind the Gift: I listen when you talk about your dreams, and I want to make them come true.

The Finishing Touch

No matter what gift you decide to give your loved ones, you have the power to make it stand out by adding a personal, heartfelt note. In this world of rapid-fire texting and Facebook posts, a handwritten letter that shares your feelings in your own words is truly precious. So grab a pen and take a moment to open up on paper — it’s one of the greatest gifts of all, and it doesn’t cost a thing.

Handwritten Note

Feeling inspired? To learn more about giving the gift of a beautiful, hardcover biography, get in touch with StoryTerrace

Or sign up for our newsletter to receive more gift ideas from us!

February 12, 2025
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What is a Ghostwriter? Why Work with a Ghostwriter?

Ghostwriting brings stories to life by helping people capture their experiences in a compelling, authentic voice. Learn how this unique collaboration works to capture memories and transform them into beautifully crafted memoirs.

Perhaps you’ve recently heard this term and wonder what it means. Or maybe someone just told you that a significant portion of autobiographies and memoirs are ghostwritten—or that they’ve decided to hire a ghostwriter—and that has sparked your curiosity. 

Well, regardless of the reasons why you’re curious, wonder no more! This post will provide into the meaning of ghostwriters, delve into how the process works, and much more. 

The Meaning of Ghostwriters

At a high level, a ghostwriter is someone who creates content for another person, publishing it under that person’s name. Ghostwriting can be used for blog posts, speeches, songs, and books about your life, your loved ones, and more...Let’s focus on a more specific question: “What is a ghostwriter for a book?” As even more of a nuance, we’ll home in on time-tested types of books that are often ghostwritten: memoirs and family histories. 

As an example of ghostwriting books, let’s say that a man named Fred wants his intriguing life story told but isn’t sure how. So, Fred might work with Ghostwriter Mary to pen his tale—with Fred’s name appearing on the cover. This scenario covers the basic ghostwriter definition for books.

In the best circumstances, though, ghostwriting goes beyond simply writing material based upon what another person has to say. Instead, ideally, ghostwriting is a true collaboration between the author and the person whose story is being told, clearly shared in the voice of the storyteller rather than that of the writer. 

History of Ghostwriting

Although the term “ghostwriting” is reasonably new, the concept itself is as old as time. The word itself was created in 1921 by an American man named Christy Walsh. He saw a great opportunity to share the stories of the country’s sports heroes, so he set up a company to do exactly that.

The notion of finding ways of sharing stories, though, goes back thousands of years—back to when our ancestors would warm their hands around a fire and tell tales. Stories that resonated would be retold by the next generation—and then the next and then the next. All this, of course, took place before writing was invented. Then, once writing systems were created, only a select few knew how to use them. Those scribes, then, wrote down tales for other people. 

Fast forwarding to more modern times, it hasn’t been unusual for celebrities to hire other people to write their books. Then, with the advent of the internet and related technologies, the pool of people who have chosen to use ghostwriters to share their life stories has expanded enormously.

Reasons Why People Hire a Ghostwriter

Now that we’ve shared an answer to “What is a ghostwriter?”, we’ll turn to why people do so. Although each person can have unique reasons, here are common ones:

  • You’re too busy. Life can get hectic—and you may simply not have enough time to pen your stories. In that case, turning to a professional who ghostwrites them can streamline the process. 
  • A sounding board is helpful. Any time you make a significant life decision (moving, changing jobs, or retiring as three examples), bouncing ideas off of a friend or loved one can be quite helpful. A skilled ghostwriter can perform the same function. 
  • You’re too close to the story. As you live your life, what you do can feel typical. After all, it’s what you have spent your time doing! An attentive ghostwriter, though, can stay attuned to areas of your life’s story that are especially fascinating and suggest places where you might expand the memoir. 
  • Structuring your memoir can be challenging. Sure, it can be obvious when your story begins. Literally, it’s your birth. But, is that the best place to start a memoir to grab the readers’ attention? An expert ghostwriter can help you with that.
  • You lack confidence about your ability. Just like with anything in life, tackling a task that you’ve never done before can come with uncertainty. Relying upon someone with a proven record of success can eliminate that roadblock.
  • You’ve tried but stalled out. This is incredibly common! With a dedicated ghostwriter, though, you can set a schedule together and continue to collaboratively move forward on the project. 

So, if you’ve been wondering, “What is the point of a ghostwriter?”, you can see how choosing the right one will allow you to create a meaningful book of professional quality.

Now, here are more specific ways in which you can receive quality help when you hire a ghostwriter.

Benefits of Ghostwriting Services

Plenty of ways exist to tell the same overarching story, which means that numerous decisions must be made throughout the process. Here are some of the decision points where having a trusted ghostwriter at your side can be crucial.

Memoir scope

Unlike a biography in which a person’s entire life to date is described, a memoir often focuses more heavily upon a specific time in that person’s lifetime or on events that support a specific element. For example, if someone ends up with a rewarding career in the arts, the memoirist may spend some time showing how childhood events contributed to this trajectory and much of the rest on the career events. This isn’t to say that other components of life aren’t included. It’s more about emphasis. Experienced ghostwriters gain a good sense of how broadly or narrowly a story can fit within a certain word count and story arc and otherwise help you to appropriately right-size your scope. 

Memoir Theme

Perhaps you’ve experienced challenging life events. In that case, your theme may be overcoming adversity. Or, maybe you’d struggled to find your purpose in life but ultimately did. The memoir could demonstrate this journey. When looking at your own life, it can be difficult to identify themes, but having one in mind as you choose what scenes to include in your memoir can make a truly unified book. Skilled ghostwriters can have a sense of objectivity as they listen to your story, helping you to pinpoint the most effective theme. 

Memoir Tone

Although different portions of your memoir will likely require different nuances, overall, should your book be humorous and lighthearted? Warm and loving? Optimistic? Conversational? A talented memoirist will help you to navigate tone.

Memoir Audience

Sometimes, people want to hire a ghostwriter to record their life story for their grandchildren. In that case, you might include details that will be deeply meaningful to them as part of their family history. Perhaps, for example, you could share stories about how you chose each of their parents’ names or more nostalgic details about your houses.

With a memoir intended for commercial purposes, you’ll likely want to include more tension and suspense to keep the readers turning pages. Often, you’ll also spend more time placing your life events into the broader context of world events. Ghostwriters who have written books for a range of audiences will have a sense of what content will best dovetail with your chosen audience for the greatest impact. 

Memoir Characters

It might feel funny to think of your friends, family members, and co-workers as characters but, if they belong in your memoir, then that’s who they are in this context. You’ll be the main character, of course, and you’ll want to strategically choose who else belongs. For a memoir intended for family members, you may want to include everyone in an equal manner, and a ghostwriter can remain aware of this focus as the story unfolds to create the desired balance. For a broader audience, you’ll want to select characters in a way that won’t overwhelm the readers.

Inciting Incident

As mentioned above, your actual story began with your birth. To draw in readers, though, you’ll want to pick the best anecdote to draw in and engage your readers for your memoir’s beginning. If, for example, you gave birth to triplets and much of your memoir will focus on raising them, you might decide to start your memoir with the moment you found out you were pregnant with triplets or when you gave birth to them. In other words, the ghostwriter listens carefully to you and then uses those conversations to appropriately structure the most compelling, binge-worthy memoir. 

External and Internal Scenes

Memoir, as a genre, can go beyond what specifically happened. Yes, that’s important and refers to factual truth. It can also include, though, how you felt at certain times of your life and what you thought about as you dealt with challenges and celebrated joys and successes. That involves emotional truth—and a deft blend of both can create a marvelous memoir.

This is not a comprehensive list of memoir and family history elements to consider, but it’s a good start. It’s also a process that a proven ghostwriter will know how to navigate.

Ghostwriting Services at StoryTerrace

At StoryTerrace, we honor every story, believing that it deserves to be captured and shared. That’s true whether it’s a personal journey, a story of business growth, a generational family story, or one about a cherished loved one. In fact, at StoryTerrace, we go above and beyond these types of narratives with ghostwriters also helping people with children’s books, thought leadership books, and more. So, no matter what your vision is for your book, reach out to us to discuss the possibilities. In each case, we craft personalized books to preserve unique narratives. 

When you hire a ghostwriter through us, we’ll carefully match you to the best writer for your needs. Then, you can relax and share your story with this writer through a series of interviews that could take place in person or online, scheduled at your convenience. 

You’ll have full approval over the text and, when you’re satisfied, our professional editors and designers will transform your memories into a lasting legacy. To make that happen, we’ll design, print, and deliver full-color, hardbound books directly to you. Throughout, with our Bookmaker technology, we make the process as seamless as possible. 

For a no-obligation quote for your next project, get in touch! You can also find information about book packages here. We look forward to helping you capture the life stories that matter.

February 10, 2025
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Biography Writing
How To
The Ultimate Memoir: A Guide To Capturing Your Life Story

If you are wondering how to write a book about your life or craft a compelling memoir, this guide has you covered.

If you are undecided about capturing your memoir, let’s dig a bit deeper into our souls before we go into how to write a book about your life.

Writing a book about yourself may seem unnecessary, but did you experience tremendous personal growth? Have you overcome insurmountable barriers that seemed like an impossibility?

Do you ever wonder why people praise you for being who you are, though you feel there is nothing special about you? Would you like to trace your family history? Is there a story about your life that comes up at every family or friends get together? If you have answered yes to any of these questions, an incredible story has been brewing all your life.

There is something magical about seeing your story written down and in a book format for people to read. Your life story can inspire, motivate or even entertain a stranger. That deep connection is the reason for writing about your life.  

It will be a gift that your family will cherish forever. What an incredible legacy it can be for generations to come. Many grandchildren hold on to such memoirs dearly; for them, it is like hearing the story of their ancestors from themselves.

It creates a bond between generations set apart in time, sometimes even location.

How to Uncover the Story Within?

Once you recognise the story in you, it is time to put it down in words. It is a powerful way to connect with readers who may resonate with your journey. Sharing your personal experiences is not just cathartic; it can give hope to someone or inspire another.

Yes, there are many things to consider. What to say and what to hold back? Having so much information and penning it down with a purpose may seem doubtful. But there are easy, doable steps that can make the whole process a lot less challenging and more rewarding.

Let's take you through the journey of how to write a story about your life.  

Memoir, Autobiography, or Narrative: Which Fits Your Life Story Best?

There is no one way of writing your life story. To help you find some inspiration, we have narrowed down some of the most popular types.

Essay—These are short essays, a few paragraphs only. They can have a central theme or a particular message, like The True Love by Haruki Murakami, which revolves around finding a true partner.

You can string together different essays revolving around your life and form an anthology. It doesn't need to tell your whole life story, just a part of it.

It is best for people who do not want to share their whole life story but maybe keep it thematic, as in a great love story they experienced.

Memoir—If your goal is to reflect on critical events in your life, consider writing a memoir. A memoir will not typically depict your entire life but the most impactful incidents and events. They are often created to celebrate overcoming a significant obstacle, like Wild by Cheryl Strayed, or explore events at a particular time in life, like I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou.

Memoirs speak volumes to the readers as they are very intense in nature. A beautifully crafted memoir leaves its mark on its reader like lessons in time.

Autobiography—Written in the first person, an autobiography details the narrator's life, often chronologically. It is more complex as it involves other real people. It has a historical aspect to it as it is set in a real period in time. A lot of fact-checking maybe in order.

It is not necessarily limited to one's account of events. The founder of Nike, Phil Knight, and Michelle Obama's Becoming are great examples.

Nonfiction narrative – It is a third-person account written as a story, narrating the course of events or a person's life. In Cold Blood by Truman Capote falls into this category. It can be focused on selected events in your life or a chronological description of the years.

You can choose the best approach when writing a true story about your life. Since you are the protagonist and the narrator, only your viewpoint matters.

Ready to Start Writing?

You may feel like an autobiography should include everything, right? Yes, technically, you are correct. But you should know it can be exhaustive. If you do not have a clear plan of what to include, key details can get lost. It is a good idea to start with a structure. Make it as detailed as possible.

It is always best to start with the very beginning. Stating your birth and family background is a staple at the beginning of most memoirs. It can be precisely your birthday or events leading up to your birth that impacted you.

Let’s talk about your adolescence, teenage life, or even university life. Did you go to a regular school? Or were you home-schooled? Did you have a lot of childhood friends? Reflect on your childhood. What did you consider to be your dream job? Your academic achievements or any event laying a strong foundation for your beliefs is crucial for storytelling.

Now, you may think how can my first job be relevant in writing a book about my life, but this can be significant. Perhaps it determines the rest of your life.

For example, a curiosity about shoe design at your first retail job at a shoe store led you to become a successful entrepreneur in the shoe-making industry.

Your first relationship is a major milestone in your story. Your readers will be interested to know how it impacted you. Maybe you ended up with your high-school sweetheart or have a story about the one that got away. You may have overcome an abusive relationship.

When discussing how to start writing a book about your life, examples of relationship stories, such as Jen Waite’s A Beautiful, Terrible Thing: A Memoir of Marriage and Betrayal strike all the essential chords.

List your turning points in life and every big and small incident that made you who you are today. It can be moving to a new place, having children, starting a business, travelling or getting recognition for your work.

Your retirement or current point in time gives insight into what you are doing now and how you spend your time. It is a kind of resolution or closure to an epic journey.

Don't stress if you cannot remember every little detail of your life. Most probably, they were not that important. If you need help remembering details, enlist the help of a family member or a friend. You will be surprised to see how much they know you!

Key Points to Consider

When you ask yourself how to write a true story about your life, the answer is to account for most of your life with as much honesty as possible. To do that, there are some crucial markers that you need to incorporate in your story.

Creating a Chronological Timeline – An autobiography needs to follow a timeline. Using that, you can create chapters in the book like building blocks. The chronological series will help you recollect better and act like a guide to your narration.

Building Themes: A memoir built around themes is popular. For instance, if you are a founder and your life's work has been a story of resilience, then focus on your traits of tenacity throughout your life. In her life story From Rejection to Success, Sara Blakely demonstrates how she had an indomitable spirit all her life, which contributed to her astounding success.

If your story deals with loss, consider how your life was before the key event and how you changed after it. Traumatic experiences are challenging to share. However, the written words of a true story always give hope to the one who needs it most. They almost have healing magic.

Historical themes are very popular in memoir writing. Give a glimpse of how it would feel like to live through that particular historical period. How different is the modern world?

Develop a writing habit – You can create a schedule and note down as much as possible at a specific time. If you suddenly recall something, make a quick voice note. It will help you incorporate it into the story later.

It's Time to Start Writing it All Down

Your manuscript is everything. It may need several edits to satisfy you, but all the changes and modifications are worth it.

Start with a Strong Introduction—A strong introduction lays down a foundation for the story and evokes the reader's curiosity. Nelson Mandela's autobiography, Long Walk to Freedom, gives insight into his life and connects it to the meaning of his name in the first few paragraphs. Anecdotes are a powerful way to introduce yourself.

Be Honest and Detailed – The more details you would add to your story, the more depth it will have. Going to extraordinary lengths for events and feelings is a pivotal marker of a great story. ​Do not deem anything unnecessary if it is related to your story. Write it all down, the good and the bad.

You will fail to show your vulnerability if you do not discuss your shortcomings. It would make you an unrealistic, perfect individual with whom no ordinary person can relate.

We cannot but reiterate, to be honest, authenticity will add an endearing quality to your story.

Use Narrative Techniques—There are many ways to engage your readers. You can use descriptive language. Do not only describe the settings; talk about weather and emotions. Place yourself at the exact moment; it can help create a sensory effect on the readers.

You can use dialogue to carry the narration. Dialogues are also very effective in building characters. Interactions keep the story interesting.

However, forced dialogue can make the story seem dull or out of touch. Your dialogue should be written in the way you speak. Making a note of accent markers or any colloquial information will make the dialogue more natural than forced.

Brace yourself - Here Come the Challenges

Writing a memoir will face its fair share of challenges, like all creative pursuits. How you deal with and overcome these will determine your narration’s quality. There are two main hurdles.

Dealing with Writer's Block—If you follow a rigorous writing schedule, then it is time for you to take a break. You can stop writing for a while or maybe for a few days. Changing locations is often found to help boost creativity. Please do not take it as a chore; remember your purpose. When you have a goal in mind, achieving it becomes easier.

Addressing the gaps and Sensitive Topics – Though it accounts for your life, you may not be the best person to describe an event or a particular day. You could have been younger and do not remember the details exactly.

If it is essential to your plot point, then do your research. If you want to talk about a historical event and how it changed your life but were too little to remember, ask someone who would vividly remember it.

If things involve other people, you need to be respectful. Sometimes, you may need to get permission to share the details. Talking about sensitive topics needs your empathy and a compassionate approach.

Let's Bring it All Together

Once you have finished writing your book, consider revising it to give it a final polish. Drafting your memoir must have been a herculean task. Unfortunately, it is still not ready to be published. To make it publish-ready, you must ensure the copy is clean.

If you are considering editing yourself, here are some tips.

  • Give it a good read. Look for inconsistencies and duplication. Address the issues and reread them.
  • Run a fact check. You do not want to have any errors in your book.
  • If you are unhappy with something, rephrase it. Sometimes, rewording can make it even better.

Get Some Constructive Feedback

Though you are the best judge for your book, enlisting a few trusted readers does not hurt. Ask your friends and family to read it and give their opinion. Maybe they will have a good idea that you can use.

Do not take feedback as criticism or an insult; take it constructively. Try to see how you can incorporate the suggestions.

Professional Services: If you lack confidence in your editing skills or want another set of eyes, seek professional help. You can enlist an editor or proof-reader to get your book ready for publishing in no time.

Want to Share Your Life Story With the World?

Writing your life story can be an exciting yet tumultuous journey into your past. It can give you the closure that you or many readers may need. If you do not want to make your book available to the public but want to write it as a legacy, it will be the best keepsake for your family. An heirloom that your family will cherish.

But if you want to share how you lived your life with the world to motivate and inspire others or tell someone who may need to hear that everything will work out in the end.

Looking back and pondering the past is a transformative journey. Celebrate the wonderful life that you have lived and commemorate it in a book for generations to come. For that, you will have to sell the book. Readers can only be aware of your book only after you market it to them.

Before marketing the book, you must consider getting the copyright. Another concern is how you would like to print it. You can choose between offset printing and print-on-demand. The first one is for people who already have a ready market. The second one is for people who want to start with fewer copies.

You can create an author website and use social media to market your book successfully. You can interact with fellow authors and engage with readers.

Book launch parties are an excellent way to get the ball rolling. You can have free giveaways, book signings, and much more. If you do not have a marketing team, ask friends and family for help creating a buzz about your book.

How Can StoryTerrace Help?

Writing down your life story is an achievement in itself. If you find it overwhelming, you can hire a ghostwriter. At StoryTerrace, we match each storyteller with the best writer.

You can choose from 600+ writers with varied expertise to write your story. You can take your mind off the writing bit and concentrate on the story. Our expert writers and editors will take care of the writing.

We understand that each story is unique and holds a special place in the narrator's life. It is more than a legacy or a motivational work; it is the story of your becoming, your life work.

We also offer self-publishing packages to help you publish the story that you have written down. From marketing to promotions, we have you covered.

Take advantage of a wide range of packages to cover various needs. Get in touch with us today to start writing your incredible story.

February 6, 2025
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How To
AI Book Writing: How to Use AI for Writing a Book

Discover how to effectively use AI for book writing, leveraging its strengths and avoiding potential pitfalls. We’ll also share our insights into the best AI for writing books, which involves the human touch.

Artificial intelligence—known as AI for short—is revolutionizing our world in numerous ways: From lenders using AI to streamline the process of deciding whether to approve a loan and at what interest rate to healthcare professionals using the technology to read medical scans of patients. Increasing numbers of people are also exploring AI for writing books.

So, how does this process work, overall? What are the benefits when writing a book? The challenges? If someone decides to use AI for book writing, what are the logical steps? This post will walk you through the process and answer all these questions and more. 

How AI Works

As the full name of AI implies, this technology is an artificial form of intelligence. The technology uses machine learning (where computers “learn” from experience without specifically being programmed), natural language processing (where computers “interpret” human language), and other tools to mimic human intelligence. 

AI has definitely evolved over the years. Britannica traces its origins to the 1930s with British logician Alan Turing being credited with its earliest experiments. In 1935, Turing envisioned a computing machine that had “limitless memory and a scanner that moves back and forth through the memory, symbol by symbol, reading what it finds and writing further symbols.” Moreover, Turing introduced what we now consider core elements of AI technology in his 1948 paper, “Intelligent Machinery.”

Since that time, AI technology has advanced enormously, transforming much of our modern world. When considering this process in connection with using AI for writing books, today’s technology can help writers in numerous ways although caveats exist.

Benefits of Writing a Book With AI

Numerous benefits exist with AI book writing, and here are six of them.

#1: Generate a full outline for your book: You can enter general information about the book you want to write, and an AI tool like ChatGPT can quickly return an outline for you to consider. For example, let’s say you entered this prompt: “Please give me an outline for a memoir about immigrating to the United States.”

This is part of what ChatGPT returned for that prompt:

1. Introduction: Setting the Stage

  • Opening Scene: A vivid moment or memory that symbolizes your immigration journey.
  • Overview: Briefly introduce why you immigrated and hint at the journey’s emotional landscape (hope, fear, excitement, loss).

So, for example, when writing a book with AI, you might receive a suggestion for an opener and tone.

#2: Save time and money: By streamlining the outlining process, you can automatically save time—and, since time is money, you can enjoy a more cost-efficient writing experience. 

#3: Get a different perspective on a subject: You may have certain preconceived ideas about your book. Through information provided when using AI for book writing, though, you can be pleasantly surprised about recommendations you receive. Returning to our AI prompt as an example, the technology suggests that, in chapter six (Reflecting on Identity), you consider when you first felt at home in your new country. Perhaps you’d never thought about your immigration experience in quite that way with this suggestion opening up new trains of thought.

#4 Receive grammar and style suggestions: When using an AI-based grammar tool, such as Grammarly, you’ll get suggestions drawn from authoritative sources such as The Chicago Manual of Style or the Associated Press Stylebook. Continuing with our example of immigrating to the United States, there are grammar tools specifically designed for multilingual writers; LanguageTool is a good example. 

#5 Target your vocabulary for your chosen audience: Let’s say we adjust our ChatGPT writing prompt to this: “Please give me an outline for a memoir about immigrating to the United States for an eighth grade audience.” Notice the changes made in the recommended intro and how it’s more appropriate for a younger audience. 

1. Introduction: Starting the Journey

  • Opening Scene: Begin with a vivid, relatable moment (e.g., packing your suitcase, saying goodbye, or boarding a plane).
  • Introduce Yourself: Share your age, hobbies, and what life was like before you moved.
  • Hint at the Journey: Explain in simple terms why your family decided to move and how you felt about it.

#6: Create excellent, relevant titles: When writing a book with AI, once you have a reasonable amount of the book written, you can use AI to generate titles. This is something the technology is often exceptionally good at doing.

Challenges With Writing a Book With AI

Challenges also exist. Here are five of them.

#1 Lack of creativity: The more that you’re relying upon AI book writing techniques without a human touch involved, the more likely it is that your book will contain materials that’s similar to other already published books. AI technology can only rely upon what’s already in its algorithm to return results. Plus, if you intend to solely use AI for book writing, you probably will want to run the text through a plagiarism checker like; this tool has free and low-cost options to consider.

#2 Could contain factual errors: Perhaps the most famous (or infamous) case to date involves two New York lawyers who created a legal brief using ChatGTP and submitted it to the court. Well, it ended up including six fictional cases with the court sanctioning and fining the attorneys involved. 

#3 Questionable quality: Again, we’re referring to the practice of entirely relying upon AI for writing books without any human involvement. AI book writing can include anecdotes being repeated multiple times, basic things receiving plenty of unnecessary descriptions, the same types of sentence structures repeatedly used, and so forth. 

#4 Ethical issues: It isn’t illegal to use AI for book writing although, in certain situations, it may be inappropriate and could lead to problems. For example, if you’re writing a term paper or an article for a publication—and AI usage is prohibited—then ethical issues can be involved. Or, it’s possible that the AI technology will pick up and use too much material that’s copyrighted (going beyond what’s considered to be “fair use.”) In that case, copyright infringement could occur, which can be a serious legal matter. 

#5 Lack of a human touch: AI technology can’t feel human emotion or provide keen original insights. Only people can do that.

Best AI for Writing Books 

The best AI for writing books creates a foundation and streamlines the writing process—and also includes human interaction and involvement. Options for this exist, but we’re not here to say anything about our competitors or their methodologies. Instead, we prefer to highlight what we know how to do well—and that’s how to use AI for writing a book in optimal ways through our Swift package. 

Here’s a key difference between relying largely or entirely upon AI to create your book and choosing Swift with StoryTerrace. With Swift, you’re paired with a professional writer and will receive support and guidance throughout. The process starts with four hours of recorded interviews between you and your writer, done remotely for the ultimate convenience. 

In your conversations, you can share your hopes, dreams, and goals for your book and provide the writer with the information needed for your unique publication. The writer will be skilled in gently asking questions to help you shape your thoughts and provide the best insights for your book. This can include bringing up relevant topics that haven’t yet been covered, asking you to expound upon certain thoughts and events, and so forth.

Then, by using AI and your recorded interviews, StoryTerrace will streamline the process of creating an outline for your book using the latest technology. You can then review the results and make edits to your outline that will be reflected in the draft of your manuscript that you’ll receive. 

As the next step, you’ll get to see the results: 7,500 words in your manuscript, which typically means 55 to 60 pages. We’ll also provide you with tips, tricks, and proofreading suggestions so that you can effectively edit the generated outline and then the draft manuscript. Plus, you can include 20 color photos in your book—and, in the end, you’ll receive one hardbound, full-color copy of the published result. 

We focus upon keeping this product affordable and, to help, you can make three installments on your payment. You can find testimonials here

Choose StoryTerrace for Your AI Book Writing Project

Here’s our mission, one that we are committed to with our Swift package as well as our other publishing packages: To create personalized books that elegantly capture each individual’s unique narrative. By doing so, fulfilling the necessity to share and celebrate precious life stories.

If you’d like to talk about the possibilities or get answers to your questions, please reach out! We’d be honored to talk to you about your book project. 

January 30, 2025
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20 Best Opening Lines in Books

Intriguing opening lines capture the attention of the readers with plenty of techniques used to create them. Although choosing the best opening lines in books can be quite subjective, here are ours—and reasons why we picked them.

When writing a book, the author wants to capture their readers’ attention from the very beginning, and these twenty examples of the best opening lines demonstrate ways to do so. Techniques can vary tremendously, but the goal is the same: rapid reader engagement. 

If you’re thinking about writing your own book—and are using these lines as inspiration—consider what makes each so effective. Then, use your insights about the best book opening lines to craft your own stellar ones that fit the tone of your book.

So, here goes! Rather than ranking these from the best on down, our first ten opening lines are loosely grouped by technique.

#1: Call me Ishmael.

This line kicks off the adventure book, Moby Dick, by Herman Melville published in 1851. Succinct and enigmatic, it has drawn in readers for more than a century and a half. Who is Ishmael, they might wonder? What will he do? Why is he important? Perhaps a carefully chosen, crisp line works especially well in Moby Dick given the impressive length of the total book: About 210,000 words. 

#2 Marley was dead, to begin with.

Before we move on to another opening line concept, this highly memorable opening line is also quite succinct. Written by Charles Dickens in his novella, Christmas Carol, and published in 1843, he uses six words to Melville’s three and raises an intriguing question about the author’s choice. Why didn’t Dickens just write “Marley was dead” as his opening line? Well, no one knows, for sure, but the addition of “to begin with” cues readers that Marley’s death status is just part of the equation. There’s plenty more to come!

#3 As Gregor Samsa awoke one morning from uneasy dreams he found himself transformed in his bed into a gigantic insect.

Although this example of the best opening lines in literature isn’t short, it’s jam-packed with intrigue. Found in Frank Kafka’s 1915 Metamorphosis, his surreal plot is summarized in just the first sentence without any spoiler alerts. That’s not easy to do! If you’re writing a book, even if you don’t ultimately use a plot-summarizing opening line, it’s a good writing exercise. 

#4 I write this sitting in the kitchen sink.

Although this line doesn’t encompass the plot the way that Kafka’s does in the third of our best opening lines in books, it also pulls readers in with its strangeness. Found in Dodie Smith’s 1948 book, I Capture the Castle, we quickly get a sense that the “I” character in this novel—17-year-old Cassandra who lives in a crumbling castle—is going to take us, as readers, on a wild journey.

#5 Last night I dreamt I went to Manderley again.

This line uses a technique comparable to number four in that they both create a sense of place, allowing us to begin to envision the settings of the novels. This example of our best book opening lines comes from Rebecca, a gothic thriller written by Daphne du Maurier and published in 1938. Just as the opening line possesses a haunting quality, so does the entire book. 

#6 No comet blazed when I was born.

Denis Healey uses an intriguing technique to begin his 1989 memoir, The Time of My Life. Instead of telling us what happened, he tells us what didn’t. It’s like an artist using negative space. Although no blazing comets marked his birth, Healey lived a fascinating life in Britain, studying at Oxford; serving as a Labor Party leader for more than four decades; and barely missing becoming prime minister. Another reason this made our list of the twenty best opening lines of books is how it immediately puts readers into the dryness of British humor. 

#7 Thomas Jefferson was a lifelong and habitual fretter.

This, like the example above, is an unexpected take on a person. In this case, in Rachel Maddow’s Drift: The Unmooring of American Military Power, published in 2012, she provides a new spin on a frequently discussed historical figure. Although plenty has been published on Jefferson, this feels unique and can signal to readers that a fresh perspective will be offered in this book, earning it a spot in our list of best opening lines in books.

#8 Way out at the end of a tiny little town was an old overgrown garden, and in the garden was an old house, and in the house lived Pippi Longstocking.

Author Astrid Lindgren uses a technique that mimics camera work in her 1945 children’s book, Pippi Longstocking. She allows young readers to envision a tiny town—and then, like a camera would, the scene narrows into one specific garden, and then one particular house, and then the unforgettable Pippi Longstocking herself.

#9 The sun did not shine, it was too wet to play, so we sat in the house on that cold, cold, wet day.

Young readers can certainly identify with this opening line from The Cat in the Hat by Dr. Seuss, published in 1957. Although the sing-songy prose and borderline absurd imagery is often credited for this book’s long term success, the author also cleverly pinpoints a common complaint of childhood—being bored. Because children can identify with the text, it makes sense to include this in our best opening lines in books.

#10 He was an old man who fished alone in a skiff in the Gulf Stream and he had gone eighty-four days now without taking a fish.

This is an example of an opening line in a novel for adults that allows readers to identify with the sentiment. Who hasn’t felt, at one time or the other, that they were heading nowhere fast? This is one of the reasons that this 1952 book by Ernest Hemingway, The Old Man and the Sea, is such an enduring story.

Best Opening Lines in Books: #11-20

For our first 10 choices for the best book opening lines, we’ve shared why we’ve found them so compelling—with those same reasons typically applying for our second half of our 20 best opening lines of books. Sometimes, they’re succinct. Other times, they’re startling—and, in still other cases, the germ of the plot is brilliantly contained in one single opening line.

#11: “Miss Brooke had that kind of beauty which seems to be thrown into relief by poor dress.” (George Eliot’s Middlemarch published in 1871)

#12: “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” (Charles Dickens’ A Tale of Two Cities published in 1859)

#13: “This is my favourite book in all the world, though I have never read it.” (William Goldman’s The Princess Bride published in 1973)

#14: “All this happened, more or less.” (Kurt Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse-Five published in 1969)

#15: “If you really want to hear about it, the first thing you’ll probably want to know is where I was born, and what my lousy childhood was like, and how my parents were occupied and all before they had me, and all that David Copperfield kind of crap, but I don’t feel like going into it, if you want to know the truth.” (J.D. Salinger’s Catcher in the Rye published in 1951)

#16: “Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the galaxy lies a small, unregarded yellow sun.” (Douglas Adams’ The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy published in 1979)

#17: “When he was nearly thirteen my brother Jem got his arm badly broken at the elbow.” (Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird published in 1960)

#18: “There was a boy called Eustace Clarence Scrubb, and he almost deserved it.” (C.S. Lewis’s The Voyage of the Dawn Treader published in 1952)

#19: “Many years later, as he faced the firing squad, Colonel Aureliano Buendía was to remember that distant afternoon when his father took him to discover ice.” (Gabriel García Márquez’s 100 Years of Solitude published in 1967)

#20: “Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.” (Leo Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina published in 1878)

Writing the Best Opening Lines Possible

Any time a list of the best opening lines is compiled, it’s subjective. You may notice that many of the books listed in ours came out many decades ago. That’s not unusual in this type of list; their inclusion is, in part, because the openings are time-tested, intriguing generations of readers. Perhaps you have your own favorites on this list along with ones that aren’t included in our 20 best opening lines in books.

You can use these openers as inspiration for ones you write. If you’re interested in publishing a book, then consider exploring a partnership with StoryTerrace. We’ll match you with the best writer in our deep, wide network so that you can collaborate to create the book you’re envisioning. If you’d like to talk about our processes, reach out to us. Rather talk on the phone? Please call 1-424-242-1160 any time between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m., Monday through Friday. 

January 16, 2025
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Life Stories
7 Must-Read Biographies this Holiday Season

Whether you're seeking heartfelt memoirs, thrilling accounts of survival, or tales of art, fame, and friendship, these 7 biographies offer something for everyone this holiday season.

1. Just as I Am 🌟by Cicely Tyson 

"A timeless memoir from the legendary actress Cicely Tyson, who graced the stage and screen for six decades. Tyson shares her life story in its purest form—from her humble beginnings as a church girl to becoming a cultural icon and recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom.  A deeply personal and inspiring story."

- Recommended by Erin, Senior Sales Executive 

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2. All That Glitters 💰by Orlando Whitfield 

"An enthralling story of ambition, betrayal, and the largest art fraud in modern history. Orlando Whitfield's sharp memoir recounts his friendship with Inigo Philbrick, a rising star in the art world whose audacious schemes shocked collectors and investors. Shortlisted for the 2024 Nero Book Awards."

- Recommended by Jon, Global Publishing Manager 
Explore the Book

3. Crying in H Mart🍚by Michelle Zauner 

"Through heartfelt prose, Zauner reflects on growing up Korean American, her complicated relationship with her late mother, and how food became a bridge to her heritage. A poignant exploration of love, grief, and self-discovery that resonates with millennials and beyond."

- Recommended by Xiaofang, Senior Project Editor
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4. The Woman in Me💃by Britney Spears 

"In this powerful and candid memoir, global pop icon Britney Spears shares her story of fame, survival, and reclaiming her voice. From the pressures of stardom to the struggles of conservatorship, Spears gives readers a rare, behind-the-scenes look at her journey toward freedom. A must-read for Gen X."

- Recommended by Erin, Senior Sales Executive
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5. Knife ⚔️by Salman Rushdie 

"Salman Rushdie recounts the harrowing events of his 2022 stabbing attack and the road to recovery in this powerful memoir. Knife offers an unflinching meditation on survival, love, art, and the indomitable human spirit."

- Recommended by Jon, Global Publishing Manager 
Read Rushdie's Story

6. Just Kids👨🎨by Patti Smith 

"A National Book Award-winning memoir about art, love, and friendship, Just Kids is Patti Smith's poetic tribute to her relationship with photographer Robert Mapplethorpe and their coming-of-age in 1970s New York City."

- Recommended by Tilly, Project Editor
Dive In

7. Top Service 🍤📖 by Silvano Giraldin

"From a humble farm in Padua to setting the gold standard in London’s fine dining scene, Silvano Giraldin shares his extraordinary journey and the art of exceptional service. A must-read for food lovers and hospitality enthusiasts."

- Recommended by Hariny, Project Editor of Top Service (a StoryTerrace book)
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The Fundamental Investor 📊by Jeremy Dyer

"In this StoryTerrace PRO book, Jeremy Dyer shares his decades of real estate investing experience to simplify complex financial concepts, making this an essential guide for aspiring and experienced investors alike. If you're aiming to build passive income through real estate, this book is for you."

- Recommended by Rutger, Founder & CEO, StoryTerrace

Start Reading Your Next Favorite Story 📚

Explore these books and find the perfect holiday companion or gift —a story that will warm your heart, challenge your perspective, or take you on a journey through resilience, creativity, and the human spirit.

Whether you’re curled up by the fireplace, savoring a quiet moment with a cup of tea, or looking for a thoughtful gift, these biographies are sure to leave a lasting impression this season.


Ready to bring your story to life?
Discover StoryTerrace packages and let our expert team guide you through every step of creating a timeless, beautifully crafted book that’s uniquely yours. 📖✨ Start your Journey Now - Click here

December 18, 2024
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How To
A Practical Guide to Self-Publishing on Amazon

Are you wondering how to publish your story online? Here is your guide to self-publish a book on Amazon and how StoryTerrace can help.

Has it been your dream to write a book or tell a story? It can be a reality all too soon. Today, we will tell you how to publish a book on Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) platform. Self-publishing a book has never been this easy. From manuscript to published book, Amazon’s KDP supports you in reaching a global audience. You can skip the complex and overwhelming process of traditional publishing. If you are unsure where to start, this guide will walk you through and give you plenty of self-publishing tips for authors.

Self-publish vs Traditional publish

Before we delve into the important question of how to publish with Amazon, a self-publishing option, let’s look at the alternative: traditional publishing. Imagine this: you have a written manuscript ready for publishing. You find a literary agent or approach the publisher directly. They take a look at your manuscript and immediately make an offer. A book editor is assigned while the PR and marketing team gets busy with launching the book. Your book is a roaring success; you make plenty of money from royalties. Though that would be the ideal scenario, it rarely happens, so we cannot stress much about the rare bit.

Literary agents and publishers are busy. They receive thousands of manuscripts, which can sometimes take them years to read. Your manuscript can get lost in the pile as you wait to hear back from them. Even if your book gets picked up by a big or small press, the hurdles are far from over. Traditional publishers keep their share in the royalty margin relatively high. You may lose your voice in marketing and launching your book as the publishers take over.

If you are not ready to face this uncertainty, you can take control with self-publishing. If you wish to publish your book online or even have it as a paperback, self-publishing gives you complete control. You can choose who publishes your book and when. Even though you can do the marketing and promotion of your book all by yourself, you still have the option of getting all the help you may need. If you choose Amazon KDP as your self-publishing partner, you can publish your book in as little as 24 to 72 hours.


Pros and cons of self-publishing on Amazon

Many authors are choosing KDP over traditional publishing. Kindle Direct Publishing has become very popular with authors. This growing popularity is attributed to several factors. Authors prefer to self-publish a book on Amazon because KDP is user-friendly. Enough resources and help are available to navigate the system, making it an easy choice. Self-publishing is a costly way of publishing your book. However, you can publish your book on Amazon for free. Irrespective of your financial condition, you can be a published author. You will also have the option of having only eBooks or paperback and eBooks. Thus, you get more flexibility in the type of book you want to create.

Unfortunately, Amazon’s KDP might not be the best option for all types of authors. Self-publishing on Amazon has some drawbacks. Many new authors do not want to wait for the 60-day payment window for their royalties.

Writing and publishing a book is not enough for it to sell. You will need help to let people know about your book. Amazon does not offer any built-in marketing support. Your book can only be reviewed by paid customers, so fewer people will review it, which may affect its popularity. If you publish an eBook with Amazon, the same book cannot be published on any other platform. This exclusivity can negatively impact book sales.

Nothing is perfect. True self-publishing with Amazon has its challenges, but there are many ways to overcome them. There are many services that can help you use Amazon for publishing and help you make the most out of it in your self-publishing journey.

Preparing the manuscript

The first and most important step to publishing is, of course, writing the story. After the draft is ready, it is crucial that you carefully read it. For additional support, you can hire a proofreader or an editor. Please be mindful of fonts, margins, and other such details when formatting. EPUB or MOBI make formatting easier. Other software to consider is Scrivener, Vellum, or Reedsy Book Editor. Books are mostly judged by their covers; hence, a clever design will positively impact buying decisions. Use design tools like Canva and Adobe or hire a specialist through Fiverr or Upwork.

After all the writing, editing, and cover design planning, get some feedback on your manuscript. Ask a friend or a family member, someone whom you trust, to give their honest opinion about your book. As a writer, you may fail to see certain shortcomings, but a reader will always find them. Reading your book will give you a clear idea of how it will be received. Implement the suggestions and see how you can improve the writing.

Setting Up and uploading your KDP Account

After all of the changes, your story is ready to be a published book. If you already have an Amazon account, you can use it to set up KDP. If you are new to Amazon, you can set up your account directly by clicking on KDP sign-up. You will need to fill out author, tax and payment-related information. Uploading a book is quite easy on Amazon KDP. You can watch Amazon KDP tutorials for an Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) guide if you struggle to upload.

Pricing and Royalties

You must be feeling the book writing process was easier than the next steps. They may not be very writer-friendly, but KDP does make it simple. Self-publishing on Amazon also involves setting the prices for your work. Considering certain factors when fixing your price may be a good idea. There are 35% or 70% options for royalties. Amazon has some rules for the latter one. You must give exclusive sales rights, and Amazon will set the price. If you have a print book, you can not set a price that does not meet your printing cost! Considering that and other factors like ink type, trim size, page count, and the marketplace for sale, KDP gives you a price. Use the KDP Printing cost and Royalty calculator to see the best price. In some marketplaces, an additional Value-Added Tax is required when setting a minimum price.

When setting a price, consider how your competitors are pricing. Do not be tempted to set a lower price, as books with lower pricing are often viewed as of lower value. If you hand over Amazon to sell your eBook exclusively, you may miss out on opportunities to reach a broader market. If you are unsure how to reach a greater audience, KDP Select can be a great option, as Amazon will recommend your books to potential buyers.

There are so many successful authors on KDP who have made significant profits. Jeff Carson, author of the best-selling David Wolf series, said, “I was able to quit my side job after publishing five books, and I continue to make a living by writing alone. I am frequently making best-seller lists with my main series, and each new book has done better than the last one.”

Did you know that self-published authors on Amazon make between $150 and $20,000 per month? Books published in series make the most for the authors as it works best.

Publishing and Book Launch

The wheels are set in motion. Your dream of becoming a published author is going to be a reality. Do not forget to preview your book using KDP’s preview tool. It gives you a glimpse of what the readers will receive when they purchase the book. Make a final check that all the requirements have been met. Once you hit the publish button, get ready for a launching strategy.

If you have an audience, you can contact them through a mailing list. You can share a few free copies and request reviews. Many authors choose a special day to commemorate their book launch. It can be an excellent opportunity to create excitement about the book. You can even throw a launch party for your friends and family. There are many ways to market your book effectively. The best way depends on you and your book.

The best thing about self-publishing with KDP is that Amazon offers specific promotion tools, like the KDP countdown tool. There are many resources on Amazon to help you promote your book. Leverage your social media presence to attract more buyers. Share about your experience and motivation for writing the book. If you already have a website, create space for an author bio. Talk about exciting details about the book. Engage with your readers and encourage them to share their reviews on social media.

Do you have a favourite book blogger or YouTuber? Why not reach out to them? Many influencers are willing to promote new talent. If your chosen influencer has many followers, your book can go viral. It is best to choose someone who is interested in your book genre. They should be genuinely interested in your book. There is nothing like an authentic presentation for organic growth. Discuss with the influencer how you can mutually benefit each other for a long collaboration. 

Look at other books in your genre. What is working for them? How can you incorporate that in your strategy? Asking many questions and taking notes will help you create a practical roadmap.

You can set up your Amazon Ads account through KDP. Your books can now be found in sponsored products. When someone searches for a book with your keywords, the product suggests your book as a similar product. This increases visibility and creates awareness about the book, often resulting in sales.

Post-Publication Management

After the book is published and ready for sale, you can still do many things to ensure it reaches as many readers as possible. Register for Amazon Look Inside. This allows potential buyers to peek through your book. This is a wonderful feature to give someone who is already curious more reasons to read your book. However, there is a downside. You can not choose the pages they see. Maybe they will find the best bits and decide against buying your book. But still it is a great feature as it encourages potential readers to click on your book to know more. If a buyer were to find your book on a shelf at a store, you would also have no control over which page they flip through. This virtual version is the same and serves similar purposes.

You can see all your books and author information on Amazon Central Page. It helps you create your own brand. Keep your information updated. Readers always appreciate an authentic author who has value to offer. You can also add an editorial review, which boosts the appeal. You can monitor your sales by tracking real-time data. You will have a clear understanding of which book promotion strategy is working and which one is not. You can alter your plan accordingly. Ask your readers to leave you reviews. The best practice is to ask people who have already read your other books.

Like social media, regular updates work wonders for even your books on KDP. You can tweak your biography, update information about the book, share pictures from events, and engage with your fans. It will help the book stay relevant. In short, keep the curiosity afresh.

Common Challenges and How to Overcome Them

As a self-published author, your work is not done even after publishing your book. You must monitor the sales and take the necessary steps to boost the book’s performance.

Low sale is a very common problem. You must change your book promotion strategy and examine what works and what doesn’t. Another obstacle can be receiving negative reviews, it can be heart-breaking. If the reviewer is misinformed, report it. If you receive a valid criticism, work on it. You can always learn from your mistakes and republish your book. If you believe in your work, it is best to ignore the bad ones and focus on the good ones.

After some time, you may find it harder to find your book with the original keywords. Keep updating and choosing the categories that best describe your book to garner attention.

If you face issues logging in or monitoring your author page, contact the KDP help centre. They also provide community support, giving you a forum where other authors discuss and share insights.

Amazon takes its content guidelines quite seriously. If they find any infringement, they will reject or remove your content. Your book should not violate any copyrights or trademarks. Amazon wants to know if the content is AI-generated or AI-assisted. You cannot publish any offensive content. Poor customer experience will negatively impact your book, and you must address the concern immediately. If your content deals with the public domain, abide by Amazon’s policy. Remember to stick to the rules so that your book does not face any consequences.

Self-publishing at StoryTerrace

Self-publishing is no easy feat, especially for the first-timers. Having published with Amazon, I can still see you struggling with marketing. No matter your situation, StoryTerrace's self-publishing packages can help. Our step-by-step guide lets you sell your book and create your desired impact. Our experts know how to optimise your book for online readers. From help managing your author dashboard to collecting royalties, you will find the support you need. The best thing is that you can do it all for your next book once you learn these skills from us.

For book promotion, you can avail yourself of our coaching services that give you an in-depth look at your book genre. You can expect to learn how to leverage reviews and other strategies that help you with successful book promotion. Our packages allow you to make your books available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Apple. We even offer ghostwriting services to help you polish your manuscript to its highest potential.

We offer three publishing packages:

Amazon Essential—This is for authors who want to sell on Amazon only and do not want too much marketing attention.

Amazon Plus—You can sell your book on Amazon and use our various techniques to gain the right exposure and increase your profit.

Multi-channel Distribution & Marketing—As the name suggests, our experts can help you sell across different platforms and support you with targeted book review mailing lists.

Contact us today to kickstart your journey into making your book a story to remember.

December 16, 2024
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A black and white photo of a young man wearing a bow tie.
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A couple of people standing on top of a mountain.
A man standing in front of a tree.