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Katherine L

Hire Writer


Katherine is a freelance writer, editor and content creator who loves a good creative challenge. Born and raised in New York City, she currently lives and works abroad in the magical city of Prague. Always a creative storyteller, Katherine has worked for women’s and lifestyle publishing, breaking news websites, B2B marketing firms and more. Her background in Anthropology provides a solid foundation for working with interview subjects, whom she handles with care. Her work can be seen on Business Insider, the Huffington Post, Reader’s Digest, Lonely Planet and more.

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As a Story Terrace writer, Katherine L interviews customers and turns their life stories into books. Get to know our writer better by reading the autobiographical anecdote below!

Listening Between the Lines: Memoirs of a Storyteller

Everyone always said I was the “show stealer” sibling, coming up with stories to tell at parties and entertain my family members. At three years old, I was already spinning tales of talking animals and make-believe worlds. "Tell me about this one," my dad would say, his eyes twinkling with amusement and pride  as I climbed onto his lap, clutching a crumpled piece of paper covered in crayon scribbles.


Those early stories were the first whispers of a passion that would shape my entire life. From elementary school newspapers to high school journalistic honor societies, I found myself drawn to the power of words and the art of storytelling. But it wasn't until college, as an Anthropology major, that I truly understood the magic that happens when you listen – really listen– to someone else's story.


I remember my first field interview in a small village in the Czech Republic. My hands shook as I fumbled with my recorder, trying to capture every word of the elderly woman describing her childhood. As she spoke, her weathered face transformed, years melting away as she relived cherished memories. In that moment, I realized the profound responsibility and privilege of being a keeper of stories.


Life has a funny way of opening unexpected doors. A chance encounter at a travel writing workshop led to my first published piece, and suddenly, I found myself living the dream I never knew I had as a travel writer. Since then, I've navigated newsrooms, creative agencies, and marketing firms, always chasing that next powerful narrative.


But it's the interviews that truly set my soul on fire. I've sat across from female CEOs breaking glass ceilings, Holocaust survivors sharing unimaginable strength, and celebrities peeling back the glossy veneer. Each conversation is a reminder of the incredible tapestry of human experience.


Perhaps my favorite challenge is coaxing stories from those who don't think they have one to tell. The quiet business owner who revolutionized their industry, or the reluctant entrepreneur whose passion project is changing lives. There's a unique thrill in helping someone see the extraordinary in their own journey and crafting it into a narrative that might inspire countless others.


Words have been my constant companions since those first crayon scribbles. They've taken me around the world, introduced me to remarkable individuals, and allowed me to weave countless stories. And with each new story I tell, I'm reminded of that little girl in her father's lap, eyes wide with wonder at the worlds she could create.

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At StoryTerrace, we believe that every story deserves to be beautifully preserved and shared across generations. Capture your personal or business journey and share your history, experience and wisdom today.

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