When Life Changes
Have you ever experienced a moment in life that changes everything?
I thought I knew myself. What my values were, the life I wanted, my purpose in life.
It turns out I didn’t know these things at all. I never knew what I truly wanted until the day my life turned upside down.
For some people, it can be an amazing experience, like the birth of a child or a profound spiritual moment in a temple during a Gap year. For others, it can be a devastating experience like the loss of a loved one before it was their time. But whatever the experience might be, it completely changes your outlook on life. You re-evaluate your purpose, your drive and ultimately what your legacy on this planet will be.
For me, it was a combination of amazing and devastating. The birth of my child after many years of turmoil and miscarriages was an incredible blessing but was utterly tainted when post-natal depression reared its ugly head and took over me like a thick mist descending the mountains.
Depression can look like different things for different people. My experience was one of “nothingness," a black hole with no emotion or feeling or desire for anything. There were a range of people out there that helped and supported me in different ways. To each and every one of them, I am eternally grateful.
Although it was one of the hardest and darkest times in my life, it was ultimately my saviour. I began to re-discover who I was as a person, learnt many lessons about the mind and body and to appreciate every little moment.
So, why am I sharing this with you? Because if this story resonates with anyone out there, if it gives hope to a mum battling depression, if it inspires others to explore their lives and purpose with a different outlook, well, then it was worth it. Life isn’t about milestones. It’s about the simple and pure pleasures of every day, that culminate into creating a content, happy and meaningful existence.