Anneice Coady - StoryTerrace - Books That Matter
Junior Writer
United States 🇺🇸

Anneice Coady

Hire Writer


Anneice was born in Detroit Michigan. She earned a B.S.B.A. Degree from Lawrence Technical University and later became a Claims Adjuster for General Motors. In her quest to discover her true calling, Anneice obtained her Masters’ Degree in Marketing, and began freelance writing. Since 2009, she’s written countless articles, bios, grants, letters and resumes. Anneice is passionate about helping others find work; find funding and promoting other peoples products. Anneice loves family gatherings and enjoys people watching in the park.



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As a Story Terrace writer, Anneice Coady interviews customers and turns their life stories into books. Get to know our writer better by reading the autobiographical anecdote below!

Diving Board

One day when I was a child, maybe four or five years old, my family and I went swimming at a local pool. Most of the experience was sort of unclear but I can remember watching swimmers climb up the steps of a really tall diving board then dive into the water. I do remember that the water was clear blue and it was a perfect day to go swimming.

But to be honest, I can’t quite remember exactly what was going on in my mind because, as I just mentioned, I was about five years old. I can’t remember swimmers getting in the pool unless they used the diving board. All that I can remember is focusing on those swimmers climbing up the steps of the really tall diving board then jumping in the water. I wanted to get in the pool. For some strange reason, I must have thought the diving board was the only way in.

One doesn’t need a PhD in swimming pool safety to know that diving boards usually hover over the deepest part of the pool. And that one could safely get into the water by lowering his or her body gradually holding the side of the pool, or more importantly, one should know how to swim!

Well, I didn’t know how to swim. But, I headed over to the diving board anyway, “OK, here I go”! I reached the really tall diving board, with no swimming experience, unsure why I just didn’t get in the pool the safe way using steps or rails. I climbed the first step of the diving board, then the second step, then the third. Suddenly, my uncle screams, “Neicy! Get down from there” as he’s running toward the diving board. My uncle’s loud voice scared me and I came down from the steps. I was embarrassed but he saved me from the risk of drowning! It wasn’t the most precious moment. But, it was certainly one of the most vaguely memorable moments.

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