‘Ich bin ein Berliner’

November 6, 2014
November 6, 2014 Theo Brainin

‘Ich bin ein Berliner’

‘Ich bin ein Berliner’

 JFK’s famous jelly doughnut speech

By Anne Brugts, content manager Story Terrace 

In June 1963, United States president John F. Kennedy paid a visit to West Berlin to underline the United States’ support. It had been two years since the wall was erected between the two areas of power in Berlin, and the isolated western part of the city feared occupation by the neighbouring Soviet regime.

The famous speech JFK held to a huge crowd, gave the West Berlin citizens a boost and is considered one of his best. The unintentional doughnut-reference (‘Berliner’ is the name of the Berlin jelly doughnut) was forgiven immediately and turned into the one-liner to remember the speech by.


Watch the historical film footage of the visit and the speech (06:12) here: Ich bin ein Berliner


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This month we celebrate that 25 years ago the Berlin Wall came down. Also read our article A Museum for Freedom about the Mauer Museum in Berlin. What’s your memory of this historical fact?

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