10 Mistakes to Avoid when Choosing a Ghostwriter - StoryTerrace - Books That Matter
How To
Tuesday, December 19, 2017


December 19, 2017

Ten tips and tricks to avoid choosing the wrong ghostwriter for your biography, life story or memoir.



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“As kids, we didn't know why our parents made us walk together, it was only when we got to school that we saw the name-calling and the jokes, and realized that we were different and that we were going to have to learn to defend ourselves or just take it,” dasdas

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim videsigns webflow agency minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.

When other schools played us, it was a shock, especially because there were black kids in the chess team. He told us that it was a middle-class game, but that we need to take our working-class values, and work hard, strive hard, and not be intimidated. We did it.The hostility wasn't obvious, but I would be stared at by the students and the teachers.You could tell that it was the first time that some of them had even shaken a Black boy's hand.

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In the age of the internet, it can seem easier than ever to find people to help with… almost anything! From laundry, to taxis, and even writing your life story, memoir, or autobiography. Unfortunately, when it comes to choosing a ghostwriter for your book, it’s all too easy to make a costly mistake - especially if you are relatively new to the scene.

When you’re investing in something as important as your own story, you want to get it right. You don’t want to choose the wrong person: you could find you have to abandon the project halfway through and start again; or worse, that the finished product bears no resemblance to what you were hoping for.

Story Terrace removes this worry by carefully vetting our pool of talented, professional ghostwriters. We screen applications from writers every day - which means we’ve seen it all! Take it from us, we know what we're talking about - these are 10 mistakes you should NEVER make when choosing a ghostwriter:

1. Not checking their published work

Is your writer published? Who by? A professional writer worth their salt should have some published work. If an editor won’t take a chance on them, why should you? The one exception may be a recent graduate from a prestigious literature, journalism, or creative writing course - these writers may be highly talented despite a relative lack of published material.

2. Not requesting a reference or trusted recommendation, and not reading reviews!

So you’ve found a ‘writer’ online. But they could be anyone! You need to do your research or rely on a recommendation you can trust. Can they provide a reference from a previous client or employer? Have they been reviewed anywhere on the internet? Best of all - have they been recommended by an expert company (like Story Terrace!) that has worked with them in the past?


3. Choosing a writer - not a ghostwriter

Lots of people make the mistake of choosing a well-written and established writer. But you wouldn't ask a tennis player to teach you how to swim. Ghostwriting a biography, memoir, or life story is a specialized skill. Ideally, you'll be choosing a ghostwriter who has ghostwritten before. If not, you need to make sure that they have some experience as an interviewer. You also need to make sure they can lay their ego at the door - this is your book, and it needs to be written the way you want it.

4. Not reading a relevant writing sample

Ask your writer for a relevant writing sample beforehand - something biographical or autobiographical. That way you can get a sense of his or her writing style when it comes to a project like your own.

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It’s Time To Tell Your Story.

StoryTerrace is your personal storytelling partner — providing effortless biography writing, professional ghostwriting, and beautiful book publishing.
Get started
A man in a white shirt is smiling.A book cover with a sunset and a tree.A book with a painting of a man walking down a road.A young boy smiling for the camera in front of a black and white photo.

5. No face-to-face interviews

Whether you’re talking to a company or an individual, you must make sure you have the option to be interviewed by your writer and in person. First - this makes a huge difference to the quality of the interview experience, which will ultimately shape the content of your book. Second - you want to be sure the person you’re talking to is actually the person who will write the book. Some companies use cheap labor to perform the interviews or to write up the text. You don’t want your life story to be outsourced! After all, how can someone write your story if they’ve never even met you?

Quick tip: If your writer can't find the time to meet you in person, how will they find the time to write your book? You should hire someone else.

6. No editor or editing process

You might think a good writer is all you need to write a book. Not so: all journalists and authors rely on editors to get their work into shape. Writers also rely on editorial staff to enforce deadlines and organize all aspects of production from design to printing. Unless you want to do all of that yourself, you need an editor.

Editing Process

7. Drafts: Failing to find out if, when, and how often you can request changes

It’s your story, so you should be able to request changes at specified points in the process. Some kind of redrafting is usually taken for granted - but you’ll want to find out when in the process you can request changes.

8. Not setting important deadlines upfront

Communication is key. Be clear about when you want your book to be finished from the beginning - and find out what will be required from you to stick to that schedule. If you need to give your input at a certain stage, make sure you put it in your diary so you don’t become the roadblock in the process! That way you can easily avoid taking longer than initially discussed.

9. Not knowing the full cost of producing your book

You may have received a quote for writing your book. But do you know the full cost of your project, including editing, proofreading, design, printing, and delivery? It’s tempting to just look at the fee your writer is proposing, and just ignore what you will then need to do to actually produce a book you’re proud of - don’t do it!

Hint: with Story Terrace, this is all included in the price!

10. False Promises: Don't believe you're going to get rich quick by publishing your book

If you want to share your story, that’s fantastic. But watch out for red flags: some writers or companies may try to show off by claiming they have ‘extensive contacts’ in big city publishing houses - or by showing amazing ‘case studies’ of previous customers who apparently have best sellers. The truth of the matter is that these contacts will not help write your book; and for most people, the fantasy of making a lot of money from their story is just that - a fantasy. If you’re serious about recording your experiences, your ghostwriter’s experience and qualifications are more important. Don’t get distracted!

If these sound like problems you're keen to avoid - just contact us: we will be able to recommend a ghostwriter you can trust.

Additionally, browse a selection of our 400 writers, here.

Table of Content

In the age of the internet, it can seem easier than ever to find people to help with… almost anything! From laundry, to taxis, and even writing your life story, memoir, or autobiography. Unfortunately, when it comes to choosing a ghostwriter for your book, it’s all too easy to make a costly mistake - especially if you are relatively new to the scene.

When you’re investing in something as important as your own story, you want to get it right. You don’t want to choose the wrong person: you could find you have to abandon the project halfway through and start again; or worse, that the finished product bears no resemblance to what you were hoping for.

Story Terrace removes this worry by carefully vetting our pool of talented, professional ghostwriters. We screen applications from writers every day - which means we’ve seen it all! Take it from us, we know what we're talking about - these are 10 mistakes you should NEVER make when choosing a ghostwriter:

1. Not checking their published work

Is your writer published? Who by? A professional writer worth their salt should have some published work. If an editor won’t take a chance on them, why should you? The one exception may be a recent graduate from a prestigious literature, journalism, or creative writing course - these writers may be highly talented despite a relative lack of published material.

2. Not requesting a reference or trusted recommendation, and not reading reviews!

So you’ve found a ‘writer’ online. But they could be anyone! You need to do your research or rely on a recommendation you can trust. Can they provide a reference from a previous client or employer? Have they been reviewed anywhere on the internet? Best of all - have they been recommended by an expert company (like Story Terrace!) that has worked with them in the past?


3. Choosing a writer - not a ghostwriter

Lots of people make the mistake of choosing a well-written and established writer. But you wouldn't ask a tennis player to teach you how to swim. Ghostwriting a biography, memoir, or life story is a specialized skill. Ideally, you'll be choosing a ghostwriter who has ghostwritten before. If not, you need to make sure that they have some experience as an interviewer. You also need to make sure they can lay their ego at the door - this is your book, and it needs to be written the way you want it.

4. Not reading a relevant writing sample

Ask your writer for a relevant writing sample beforehand - something biographical or autobiographical. That way you can get a sense of his or her writing style when it comes to a project like your own.

5. No face-to-face interviews

Whether you’re talking to a company or an individual, you must make sure you have the option to be interviewed by your writer and in person. First - this makes a huge difference to the quality of the interview experience, which will ultimately shape the content of your book. Second - you want to be sure the person you’re talking to is actually the person who will write the book. Some companies use cheap labor to perform the interviews or to write up the text. You don’t want your life story to be outsourced! After all, how can someone write your story if they’ve never even met you?

Quick tip: If your writer can't find the time to meet you in person, how will they find the time to write your book? You should hire someone else.

6. No editor or editing process

You might think a good writer is all you need to write a book. Not so: all journalists and authors rely on editors to get their work into shape. Writers also rely on editorial staff to enforce deadlines and organize all aspects of production from design to printing. Unless you want to do all of that yourself, you need an editor.

Editing Process

7. Drafts: Failing to find out if, when, and how often you can request changes

It’s your story, so you should be able to request changes at specified points in the process. Some kind of redrafting is usually taken for granted - but you’ll want to find out when in the process you can request changes.

8. Not setting important deadlines upfront

Communication is key. Be clear about when you want your book to be finished from the beginning - and find out what will be required from you to stick to that schedule. If you need to give your input at a certain stage, make sure you put it in your diary so you don’t become the roadblock in the process! That way you can easily avoid taking longer than initially discussed.

9. Not knowing the full cost of producing your book

You may have received a quote for writing your book. But do you know the full cost of your project, including editing, proofreading, design, printing, and delivery? It’s tempting to just look at the fee your writer is proposing, and just ignore what you will then need to do to actually produce a book you’re proud of - don’t do it!

Hint: with Story Terrace, this is all included in the price!

10. False Promises: Don't believe you're going to get rich quick by publishing your book

If you want to share your story, that’s fantastic. But watch out for red flags: some writers or companies may try to show off by claiming they have ‘extensive contacts’ in big city publishing houses - or by showing amazing ‘case studies’ of previous customers who apparently have best sellers. The truth of the matter is that these contacts will not help write your book; and for most people, the fantasy of making a lot of money from their story is just that - a fantasy. If you’re serious about recording your experiences, your ghostwriter’s experience and qualifications are more important. Don’t get distracted!

If these sound like problems you're keen to avoid - just contact us: we will be able to recommend a ghostwriter you can trust.

Additionally, browse a selection of our 400 writers, here.



Heading 3

“As kids, we didn't know why our parents made us walk together, it was only when we got to school that we saw the name-calling and the jokes, and realized that we were different and that we were going to have to learn to defend ourselves or just take it,” dasdas

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.

When other schools played us, it was a shock, especially because there were black kids in the chess team. He told us that it was a middle-class game, but that we need to take our working-class values, and work hard, strive hard, and not be intimidated. We did it.The hostility wasn't obvious, but I would be stared at by the students and the teachers.You could tell that it was the first time that some of them had even shaken a Black boy's hand.

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In the age of the internet, it can seem easier than ever to find people to help with… almost anything! From laundry, to taxis, and even writing your life story, memoir, or autobiography. Unfortunately, when it comes to choosing a ghostwriter for your book, it’s all too easy to make a costly mistake - especially if you are relatively new to the scene.

When you’re investing in something as important as your own story, you want to get it right. You don’t want to choose the wrong person: you could find you have to abandon the project halfway through and start again; or worse, that the finished product bears no resemblance to what you were hoping for.

Story Terrace removes this worry by carefully vetting our pool of talented, professional ghostwriters. We screen applications from writers every day - which means we’ve seen it all! Take it from us, we know what we're talking about - these are 10 mistakes you should NEVER make when choosing a ghostwriter:

1. Not checking their published work

Is your writer published? Who by? A professional writer worth their salt should have some published work. If an editor won’t take a chance on them, why should you? The one exception may be a recent graduate from a prestigious literature, journalism, or creative writing course - these writers may be highly talented despite a relative lack of published material.

2. Not requesting a reference or trusted recommendation, and not reading reviews!

So you’ve found a ‘writer’ online. But they could be anyone! You need to do your research or rely on a recommendation you can trust. Can they provide a reference from a previous client or employer? Have they been reviewed anywhere on the internet? Best of all - have they been recommended by an expert company (like Story Terrace!) that has worked with them in the past?


3. Choosing a writer - not a ghostwriter

Lots of people make the mistake of choosing a well-written and established writer. But you wouldn't ask a tennis player to teach you how to swim. Ghostwriting a biography, memoir, or life story is a specialized skill. Ideally, you'll be choosing a ghostwriter who has ghostwritten before. If not, you need to make sure that they have some experience as an interviewer. You also need to make sure they can lay their ego at the door - this is your book, and it needs to be written the way you want it.

4. Not reading a relevant writing sample

Ask your writer for a relevant writing sample beforehand - something biographical or autobiographical. That way you can get a sense of his or her writing style when it comes to a project like your own.

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It’s Time To Tell Your Story.

StoryTerrace is your personal storytelling partner — providing effortless biography writing, professional ghostwriting, and beautiful book publishing.
Get started
A man in a white shirt is smiling.A book cover with a sunset and a tree.A book with a painting of a man walking down a road.A young boy smiling for the camera in front of a black and white photo.

5. No face-to-face interviews

Whether you’re talking to a company or an individual, you must make sure you have the option to be interviewed by your writer and in person. First - this makes a huge difference to the quality of the interview experience, which will ultimately shape the content of your book. Second - you want to be sure the person you’re talking to is actually the person who will write the book. Some companies use cheap labor to perform the interviews or to write up the text. You don’t want your life story to be outsourced! After all, how can someone write your story if they’ve never even met you?

Quick tip: If your writer can't find the time to meet you in person, how will they find the time to write your book? You should hire someone else.

6. No editor or editing process

You might think a good writer is all you need to write a book. Not so: all journalists and authors rely on editors to get their work into shape. Writers also rely on editorial staff to enforce deadlines and organize all aspects of production from design to printing. Unless you want to do all of that yourself, you need an editor.

Editing Process

7. Drafts: Failing to find out if, when, and how often you can request changes

It’s your story, so you should be able to request changes at specified points in the process. Some kind of redrafting is usually taken for granted - but you’ll want to find out when in the process you can request changes.

8. Not setting important deadlines upfront

Communication is key. Be clear about when you want your book to be finished from the beginning - and find out what will be required from you to stick to that schedule. If you need to give your input at a certain stage, make sure you put it in your diary so you don’t become the roadblock in the process! That way you can easily avoid taking longer than initially discussed.

9. Not knowing the full cost of producing your book

You may have received a quote for writing your book. But do you know the full cost of your project, including editing, proofreading, design, printing, and delivery? It’s tempting to just look at the fee your writer is proposing, and just ignore what you will then need to do to actually produce a book you’re proud of - don’t do it!

Hint: with Story Terrace, this is all included in the price!

10. False Promises: Don't believe you're going to get rich quick by publishing your book

If you want to share your story, that’s fantastic. But watch out for red flags: some writers or companies may try to show off by claiming they have ‘extensive contacts’ in big city publishing houses - or by showing amazing ‘case studies’ of previous customers who apparently have best sellers. The truth of the matter is that these contacts will not help write your book; and for most people, the fantasy of making a lot of money from their story is just that - a fantasy. If you’re serious about recording your experiences, your ghostwriter’s experience and qualifications are more important. Don’t get distracted!

If these sound like problems you're keen to avoid - just contact us: we will be able to recommend a ghostwriter you can trust.

Additionally, browse a selection of our 400 writers, here.

contact us

It’s Time To Tell Your Story.

StoryTerrace is your personal storytelling partner — providing effortless biography writing, professional ghostwriting, and beautiful book publishing.
Get started
A man in a white shirt is smiling.A book cover with a sunset and a tree.A book with a painting of a man walking down a road.A young boy smiling for the camera in front of a black and white photo.

Now Is The Time To Share Your Story

StoryTerrace is your book production partner, including all ancillary activities from high-quality professional writing and editing to design, printing and publishing.

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A man in a suit and sunglasses standing in a field.
A black and white photo of a young man wearing a bow tie.
A book with an image of an octopus on it.
A couple of people standing on top of a mountain.
A man standing in front of a tree.