Capturing Life Stories In Cherished Books

At StoryTerrace, we believe that every story deserves to be beautifully preserved and shared across generations. Capture your personal or business journey and share your history, experience and wisdom today.

A black and white photo of a woman smiling.A book with a painting of a man walking down a road.A man and a woman sitting next to each other.A man in a suit and sunglasses standing in a field.A white flower sitting on top of a sidewalk.A book with a painting of a man walking down a road.A woman doing a yoga pose in front of a sunset.A young boy smiling for the camera in front of a black and white photo.A book with a painting of a man walking down a road.
The cover of a book with a picture of a woman.A book with an image of an octopus on it.A book with the title books that matter.A book cover with a sunset and a tree.An ordinary man from veranna, bad bunny, world war ii.A white flower sitting on top of a sidewalk.A man standing in front of a tree.

We create personalized books that elegantly capture the unique narratives of individuals, families, and businesses.

Our writers, editors and designers help you document precious life experiences, transforming memories into lasting legacies.

Interview Hours Completed
Books Created
Years of Experience
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Every Life Deserves A Documented Legacy

From life lessons to travelling in the Seychelles, we cover all the colourful topics that make up life.

Celebrate your love story, capturing all the beautiful moments that define your union.
Safeguard the rich tapestry of your family heritage for generations to come.
Position yourself as a thought leader and share your gems of entrepreneurial insight.
Capture all the unforgettable adventures, traveling this majestic planet.
Chronicle the profound journey of your leap of faith into a new country.
Personal Development
Unveil your transformative journey of growth and self-improvement.
Overcoming Adversity
Share your powerful story of resilience and triumph over challenges.
Honor your spiritual journey and the faith that shapes your life.

How It Works

Our process makes it easy for anyone to write a book. We handle the heavy lifting so that you can enjoy what will be a truly special journey.


Writer Introduction

By taking into consideration a number of factors including your goals, topics and even location we'll pair you with a writer who can echo your unique voice.

A woman sitting at a desk with a laptop and headphones on.


Customers especially love the interview stage. Your writer will uncover the unique details of your story, bringing back nostalgic memories. Sessions can be done in-person or remotely at your convenience.

A person holding a book in their hands.

Book Delivery

Once you're happy with the text, we'll design, print, and deliver your hardbound, full-color books directly to you. A priceless collection of precious life stories, ready to be shared.

Books For Every Occasion

Create your very own autobiography or memoir for your family & friends. We edit, design, print and can even publish your life story so that it never gets forgotten.

Life Story

Preserve your life's journey and cherished memories in a beautifully written, timeless book.

A man and a woman sitting next to each other.

Surprise a loved one with a truly unique gift: an immersive experience that recalls treasured moments.

Gift a truly unique and personalised gift to a loved one. Descriptive text - There is truly nothing like providing a loved one with an opportunity to share their life experience into words. The ultimate personalised gift.

A man and a woman posing for a picture.

Amplify your brand and solidify your thought leadership with a book that showcases your domain expertise.

Create a comprehensive account of your entrepreneurial journey and share your insights to your audience.

A man sitting at a table with a stack of books.

Take a Look Inside Our Customers' Books

Dive into and read an excerpt for some of the books we've helped create.


Reflections at 80

Through a life of personal and professional success, we are reminded that it's people who make life worth living. This book was a gift for the purpose of preserving and passing wisdom down to the younger generation.

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The Bunny

You can't pick up a copy of "The Bunny" without immediately wanting to know more. If a picture's worth a thousand words, then this book cover is a novel in itself, speaking volumes before you even turn the first page. The book covers Williams' inspirational migrational journey to California and all the ups and downs he encountered along the way.

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Can Spouses Team Up in Real Estate? We Did and Here's How!

Lashika and Anthony know many entrepreneurial spouses want to team up but aren’t sure how. Having faced this challenge themselves, they believe it’s a risk worth taking. Their success isn’t due to Ivy League education, investors, or luck—it’s the result of hard-earned life lessons. With enough drive and patience, they believe anyone can improve their business and personal life. Now, they’re eager to share their story and help others achieve success while finding balance as a real estate husband-and-wife team.

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Hear From Hundreds Of Happy Customers

Based on 436 reviews

Over 600 Professional Writers and Editors

Our writers are journalists and authors recruited from leading newspapers, renowned publishing houses, and the most prestigious creative writing and journalism programs.

Anaheim, CA 🇺🇸

Andrés M.

Andrés H. Martínez, a journalist at heart, writer and content creator, currently serves as the treasurer for the National Association of Hispanic Journalist, Los Angeles chapter. Prior to landing his job in Los Angeles as an assignment editor at Telemundo Los Angeles, the number one market for Spanish television in the United States, Andrés worked as a news producer in Oklahoma City where he helped rebuild Telemundo Oklahoma, and to regain the trust of the Hispanic community. From Telemundo Oklahoma, Andrés moved to Telemundo Dallas/Fort Worth where he also worked as a news producer, and where he was nominated for three Emmys. Andrés received a bachelor's degree in print journalism and a second one in Spanish, from California State University, Fullerton. You might find Andrés Martínez in a newsroom, or maybe you will come across one of his projects online; or maybe you will see him dropping off donations at a migrant shelter in Tijuana, México, or you might even find him serving drinks at a nightclub; or you might see him trying all sorts of tacos in your local taquerias and writing all about them.

Montreal, Quebec 🇺🇸

Brendan S.

Despite spending plenty of time in classrooms (English lit, creative writing, philosophy), Brendan has found that his most interesting creative material has come from his everyday life. Being the youngest in a big family of distinct personalities and political discordance, Brendan was a silent observer for much of his early youth. At age thirteen, while trying to find his own path, he decided to become a writer. Complicated family dynamics, strange childhood memories, and moral ambiguity are just a few of the themes (grist for the mill) that Brendan likes to write about. He is a collector of S.A.D. (Specific Animate Detail), kooky phrases and idioms, and is intrigued by the latter 20 th century (he loves quizzing his grandmother on popular culture in the 60s, 70s, and 80s). Whether he is writing fiction or non-fiction, his principles remain the same. Tell the story as it is, resist sensationalism. And don’t be afraid to write about things that scare you (that’s what writing is for).

Milwaukee, WI 🇺🇸

Andie B.

Andie is a world traveler, and a collector of stories. She has lived in eighteen states, and in three countries. However, no matter how far she goes, she always returns to Milwaukee, the city that captured her heart as a child. Always a writer of poetry, during her studies toward her B.A. in English Literature, she discovered a new writing passion for fiction, and non-fiction, and hasn’t looked back. She is in the process of writing her first detective novel. In her free time, Andie can be found at antique markets searching for gems to add to her vintage typewriter collection.

Findlay, OH 🇺🇸

Stephanie L.

Stephanie grew up in the Midwest and pursued her twin passions - writing and literature, and riding horses - by earning a B.A. in English and B.S. in Equestrian Studies before completing her M.A in Literary and Textual Studies. Today, she shares her love of storytelling as she homeschools her young children while also finding time to write, improve her burgeoning homesteading skills, and even horse around a little bit. She's been ghostwriting on a freelance basis for several years and has a grand plan to take her children on an epic road trip through the national parks of the American West someday (once the baby stops teething and everyone knows how to make their own PB&Js).

Derwood, MD 🇺🇸

Rajika J.

Rajika is originally from Sri Lanka, an island located in the Indian Ocean, hanging like a teardrop or a pearl from the Indian subcontinent. With an Economics Degree, she became a print journalist during the later period of Sri Lanka’s nearly thirty-year war with a domestic terrorist group with international reach. During this time, she had first-hand experience of the devastation and tragedy of war and the raw anguish and terror of suffering communities. In 1997, she was chosen by Sri Lanka’s then Foreign Minister, Lakshman Kadirgamar, on a diplomatic assignment to counter terrorist misinformation in Thailand. Her success in this task led to an extension of her diplomatic assignment to Washington D.C. in the year 2000. Subsequent positions in the U.S. led her to work with the International Communications team at the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, engaging in Strategic Communications with India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, the Philippines and Egypt. Rajika has many years of experience as a journalist and is also a creative writer with the ability to write in multiple styles. She has a passion to weave stories that tug at the heartstrings of readers.

Johnstown, CO 🇺🇸

Karin R.

Karin received her MFA in creative writing from Naropa University and has worked on a diverse range of projects as a copy editor or developmental editor, including romance novels and university textbooks. She writes short and long fiction, scripts, and reviews, and she published her first novel, Invitation to a Hanging, in 2023. When not wrangling the written word, she loves spending time with her kids, photographing abandoned buildings, and yoga. She might have an addiction to cat videos.

New York City, NY 🇺🇸

Pamela T.

Pam is a writer from New York who takes inspiration from the experiences that took shape during her travels. Through these lenses, her style appears to be an unidentifiable speaker recounting the bigger picture found in the landscape of her writings. A graduate of Purchase College’s creative writing department, Pam does it all—fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction. She worked as the nonfiction editor for Italics Mine and successfully solicited countless young voices to publish their creative works. She has an interview with a published poet in Italics Mine, along with an article about her travels. She is currently working on a book that details the experience she had while working on an off-grid farm in Hawaii while also collecting poems for a poetry collection of her own.

New York City, NY 🇺🇸

Brittany A.

Brittany (she/her) is a Brooklyn-based writer and actor. Her award-winning stage plays have been produced and developed at Portland Center Stage, Jungle Theater, Manhattan Theater Club, The Public, Ensemble Studio Theatre, Clubbed Thumb, Primary Stages, Studio Theatre, and KC Rep, among other places, and she currently holds commissions from Playwrights Horizons and Clubbed Thumb. Recognitions include the Daryl Roth Creative Spirit Award, the Dramatists Guild Foundation Comedic Playwriting Prize, and a Van Lier New Voices Playwriting Fellowship. She is a resident playwright at Colt Coeur, and an alumna of EST/Youngblood and EWG at The Public Theater. Her prose writing has been supported by fellowships to MacDowell and Ucross, as well as scholarships to Bread Loaf, and the Sewanee Writers Conference (where she now teaches on faculty). Her Pushcart Prize nominated short fiction has been published in The Kenyon Review, Catapult, McSweeney's Quarterly Concern, Lampblack, Epiphany, and elsewhere. She is currently at work on a novel.

Brea, CA 🇺🇸

Margaret M.

Margaret holds a bachelor’s degree in writing from Syracuse University and a master’s degree in education from Grand Canyon University. She taught English for seventeen years before starting a eulogy writing business. Her passion for writing was evident in her teaching, and it continues when she has the honor of telling the stories of real people. Listening to family members recall the moments shared with their loved one, hearing how life unfolded, and waiting for those unassuming moments that capture the essence of the person is especially rewarding.

New York, NY 🇺🇸

Judy L

Judy is a freelance writer and editor. She was trained in financial journalism and public relations, and her work has appeared in the Wall Street Journal, Forbes and Fast Company. Having lived and worked in five countries and three continents, Judy understands cultural nuances and knows how to draw out people from different backgrounds. She is fluent in Japanese, Cantonese, and is proficient in Mandarin. A news junkie and a voracious reader, Judy is always devouring the latest news stories and loves to read historical fiction.

Drayden, MD 🇺🇸

Sherry G

As a ghostwriter of over 200 books, with 5 on Amazon’s bestseller list, Sherry is also a certified Sports Nutritionist and served as the On-Air Nutritionist for QVC in the U.S. and the UK. She has ghostwritten books and memoirs for CEOs, Business Owners, Doctors, Lawyers, Scientists, Clinical Nutritionists, and National Speakers. Her business background includes owning 7 McDonald's restaurants, 14 World Gyms, and Smoothie Kings in five states; Sherry is also a Nationally Certified Yoga/Pilates and Fitness Instructor with over 30 years of experience in the fitness industry.

Farmingdale, NY 🇺🇸

Rich H

Rich Handley has written, edited, or contributed to nearly 160 books throughout the course of his 30-year publishing career, covering a wide variety of topics related to film, television, comics, and entertainment. Rich has an English degree from SUNY Oneonta, edited Eaglemoss’s Star Trek Graphic Novel Collection, and currently writes articles and fiction for Paramount/CBS’s official Star Trek Communicator magazine. In addition, Rich has 25 years’ experience as a magazine editor in the B2B publishing world.

Bridgeport, CT 🇺🇸

Cynthia R

Cynthia teaches in the Professional Editing Standards Certificate program at Queens University in Toronto. She earned her MFA in Creative Writing from Lindenwood University in St. Charles, Missouri. Her professional background is in publishing, journalism, and business. As a copyeditor, she specializes in mysteries and romance. As a writer, she has penned several educational books—from STEM to careers to dinosaurs— for middle -grade students.

United States 🇺🇸

Hudson Perigo

Hudson Perigo has 15 years’ in-house acquisitions and developmental experience in publishing and has ghosted for a cosmetics magnate, an Olympic gymnast, and an eccentric TV exercise celebrity. Publishers she has worked with include Harper Wave, Wiley, Holt, Solution Tree, McGraw-Hill, Plume, Bantam, NAEYC, Scholastic, Harper & Row, Rawson, W.W. Norton, Warner Books, The Experiment, and Ben Bella. She’s collaborated with subject matter experts (primarily physicians, business owners, and educators) to write 40 books while staunchly maintaining individual author voice. A renowned scientist once hesitated about hiring her stating that he didn’t want to sound like a TV exercise celebrity and she respectfully replied, “Then don’t talk like him.” Hudson holds an MFA in Screenwriting from USC and has placed in several international competitions. All of which and three bucks gets her a cup of coffee in Hollywood.

Martinez, CA 🇺🇸

Jodi L.

Jodi is a compassionate wise soul of diverse interests including being an outdoors enthusiast, avid reader, adventurer, explorer, lover of learning, and skilled listener. Jodi works at Family Violence Appellate Project where she helps survivors of gender-based violence appeal trial court cases. As an advocate, Jodi skillfully interviews people and tells their story to others. Jodi is a published author on topics related to her work. In her spare time, you might see Jodi skipping along a hiking trail, reading a book, being silly, and/or enjoying her surroundings!

Boston, MA 🇺🇸

Elizabeth P

Elizabeth has been writing all her life. She completed her MFA at Vermont College of Fine Arts in July 1997. Her work has appeared in several small literary journals. She was the winner of the 1987 Phi Theta Kappa National Competition in Creative Writing and has been a finalist for a number of other literary prizes. She currently lives in Boston, MA and teaches at Emerson College and Wentworth Institute of Technology. A former runner and triathlete, Elizabeth now spends her free time hanging out with her Golden Retriever, Journey.

Pratt 🇺🇸

Katherine Pritchett

With over 35 years in government writing reports, news releases and articles and grant proposals as well as 50 years writing as a hobby and passion, I have three novels and one non-fiction book published, along with regular columns and special articles for various publications. I love to dig deep into the complex events that shape people. I write two blogs. "Through My Window" expresses living with an attitude of gratitude. "Diary of a Wimpy Dog" chronicles my life with a manipulative Labrador retriever, and our other animal friends.

Charlotte 🇺🇸

Charles Harned

Charles got his start contributing articles to Vex Mosaic magazine and college sports websites. Before joining StoryTerrace, he worked as a book coach and ghostwriter for Scribe Media. He has written eight of his own books with one, A Day in Fall, available worldwide. In 2016, he was awarded a scholarship by the Southeastern Writers Association at their summer conference. An avid sports fan, he loves college football and basketball and is training for his first half-marathon.

West Sussex 🇺🇸

Trevor C.

Trevor Clawson is an award-winning author, journalist and editor with a particular interest in writing about entrepreneurship, innovation and the personal stories that underpin business success. As an author, Trevor has published a number of books under his own name, including business-focused biographies of Jamie Oliver and Simon Cowell. His ghostwriting projects include a guide to the psychology of starting and running a business and a soon-to-published title on effective money management. Trevor writes regularly for - interviewing entrepreneurs and telling their stories - his work has also appeared in the Guardian, Times, Sunday Times and Mail on Sunday. When not writing, he can be found playing the guitar and working in his home studio, soaking up cinema or taking Suzie the dog on long, country walks

Glasgow 🇺🇸

John D

John is one of the UK’s leading journalists. He has had thousands of published stories in The Times, Mail on Sunday, Daily Record and many of the country’s leading newspapers and loves hearing people's stories. He has travelled the world interviewing some of the world’s top celebrities including Sir Paul McCartney in Mexico, Annie Lennox in Malawi, Lindsay Lohan in Singapore and Billy Bob Thornton in Texas. An award-winning screenwriter, his debut film, the drama I Saw You, premiered at the Edinburgh International Film Festival and earned him a Royal Television Society award. The film also collected two BAFTA wins. He is also the author of bestselling music biographies such as Emeli Sande: Read All About It, published by Omnibus, and has ghostwritten biographies for people from many different walks of life. John has a Masters Degree (MLitt with distinction) in Creative Writing from the University of Glasgow. Later this year, he will feature in a BBC documentary covering the search for his biological father. A music lover, John spends his free time collecting and listening to vintage records, enjoying good food and wine, travel and quality time with friends and family.

Stockport 🇺🇸

Victoria S

Upon completing her Master’s degree in English Studies in 2015, Victoria went on to write a YA fantasy novel entitled Your World Shall Be Mine, which is forthcoming with LR Price Publications in late 2023. Realising she was a natural at telling stories, Victoria desired to continue to write fictional tales but wanted to capture the lives of others, too, seeing the beauty in each person’s history and how they became who they are today. It is her dream one day to write her own autobiography, but until then, Victoria would like to help put the words of others onto paper to create something beautiful for them to leave behind.

Windsor, CT 🇺🇸

Bruce B

I speak three languages: English, technology, and business. I was initially a high school English teacher and a graduate faculty Counseling professor. In 1983, smitten by the empowerment potential of personal computers, I shifted professions. I’m a technology journalist with thousands of magazine and website bylines, a blogger, and an award-winning personal and business book author and coach. In addition, I have a BA in English from the University of Connecticut, an MS in Psychology from Central Connecticut University, and an advanced degree in Counseling from Saint Joseph University.

Arizona, USA 🇺🇸

Ileana B

Ileana is a bilingual/bicultural writer who also happens to be her own family's unofficial historian. She grew up in the Yucatán Peninsula in México, where she constantly listened to her maternal grandparents reminiscing about both calamities and/or blessings that had occurred to family members, she wouldn't have otherwise known about. Her curiosity about her family history fostered her interest in Literature, which led her to complete a doctorate in Spanish and Cultural Studies. Ileana currently works at Arizona State University, where she teaches the Spanish language, as well as Latin American/US Latino Literature and Film, the core subject of her published scholarly work.

Vero Beach, FL 🇺🇸

Jennifer P

In high school, Jennifer passed up a writing scholarship to major in psychology. She still has a love for both fields, but achieving a doctorate in the latter has allowed her to work with veterans, inmates, police officers, and executives to write research and blog articles, and many clinical reports. Jennifer is comfortable writing about a diverse range of subjects from open relationships, to fitness, to substance abuse. Jennifer also enjoys Brazilian jiu-jitsu and Dutch kickboxing, can speak some Italian and some German, and play a little piano, too. Since age seven the horse has been her favorite animal, and when independently wealthy, Jennifer plans to spend all day riding.

Fredericksburg, VA 🇺🇸

Tabitha K

Tabitha has been writing professionally for 25 years, most recently while an English professor. Growing up as a Navy brat gave her a taste for travel – she’s lived in eight American states, Spain, Guam, London, Dubai, and Dublin. When she completed her PhD, her dad gave her a laptop and her mom bought her acrobat classes at a circus school. She’s published numerous articles and a book on women’s history, and she spent twelve years teaching college students to develop ideas, create outlines, and eat their broccoli.

Now Is The Time To Share Your Story

StoryTerrace is your book creation partner, offering high-quality professional ghostwriting, editing, design and book publishing services.

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A book with a picture of a man in a suit and tie.
A man standing in front of a tree.
A black and white photo of a young man wearing a bow tie.
A woman in a red shirt with her arms crossed.
A book cover with a pink flower on it.