Senior Writer
London, United Kingdom 🇬🇧

Tarai C

Hire Writer


Son of poet, author, artist and musician parents, Tarai is a true creative. He stepped into the performing arts at age 4 and currently works as a freelance scriptwriter and video editor. He is a keen investor and former business owner. His journey to achieve financial freedom whilst battling personal adversity drives Tarai to inspire and help others achieve their goals. Free time includes endurance hiking (sore feet), long-distance cycling (sore knees) and working on side projects (sore brain cells).

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As a Story Terrace writer, Tarai C interviews customers and turns their life stories into books. Get to know them better by reading his autobiographical anecdote below

Ice Queen in Norway

"I'm the ice queen!" was proclaimed more than once in the days preceding our trip. Flåm was a small Norwegian village nested in the centre of Fjord territory.My then-girlfriend had forensically located our latest getaway in a typical 'girlfriend' way. That is to say, when asked, "Do you want to go to Norway?" She presented a detailed itinerary that took at least 25 minutes to explain.Sitting on the double bed cramped inside her room, we huddled around her laptop screen."Looks good," I said in a typical 'boyfriend' response."It's going to be pretty cold though. -18 degrees. Gonna have to layer up!"I'll remember the look of disbelief my girlfriend gave me until my dying breath."That's not cold, I'm from Siberia! We have -40 degrees in winter and I don't wear thermals. "I'm the ice queen." She reminisced somewhat whimsically.I dropped the issue.Upon arriving in Flåm we were so excited. We hiked all day up frozen mountains, dancing in and out of the winter sun on meandering paths.However, It was bloody freezing! I was ok as I wore multiple layers. The ice queen, however, had been shivering on and off all day. But it was still "only -12 degrees, much warmer than Russia."We plugged on and the first night held Flåm's greatest surprise.From our cabin window set against the sleepy waters of a mountain fjord, it was as if the entire milky-way welcomed our arrival.I raced to the wardrobe and grabbed my thickest thermals and windproof layers. "I'm going outside to take some pictures. Look at the Sky!"Ok, I'm coming too." Said the ice queen.Wearing jeans, thin socks, a T-shirt and an ordinary winter jacket, my concerns about adequate clothing were again dismissed."We're not going to be gone long anyway" She retorted.Little did she know, I wanted to capture every star.It was -18 degrees, there was a horrible wind chill, and my lens shutter was set to 20 minutes.For 2 hours, we sat whilst the camera captured the night sky. The ice queen had met her match.Upon returning to the cabin she ran from room to room, shivering uncontrollably. "I need tea. There's no hot water in the shower. Turn the heating up. It's so cold in here!""Behold our ice queen," I proclaimed with smug satisfaction.

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