Halloween was around the corner once again and Sebastian was grief stricken because he was not going to be able to wear his favorite Superman costume. Using her soothing, delicate flute voice, his mother explained why this was so, and assured him that he would understand it all in due time, but all she got in return was a temper tantrum that made her feel like a hurricane had just blow through her room; her curtains were torn to bits, the bed covers were left hanging from the beams that held the ceiling, and the echo of shrill screams perpetually bounced off of the room’s walls and inside her ears for hours. She watched, saddened, as her baby boy ran into his room and sobbed his sorrows away into his pillow until he fell asleep. He was just a child, constantly dreaming of being a hero like the characters from his favorite comic books, and he just could not understand why this kid he barely knew was now the recipient of the costume that once belonged to him. He was too young to grasp the hardship his neighbors were going through, the mounting hospital bills they had to pay due to his older sister’s devastating car accident, and the constant threat of bankruptcy they were living under. And so, he could not forgive his mom for giving his favorite costume away.He got an El Zorro disguise a couple of days later, and his genius of a mother sat down with him to watch the black and white movie from 1940 starring Linda Darnell, Tyrone Power and Basil Rathbone, just to get him inspired. The mustachioed crusader really struck his fancy; Sebastian loved his elegant sword moves and his gentlemanly bravado, so the Superman issue slowly seeped into the back of his mind where he could no longer reach it. On the trick-or-treating night he collected tons of candy all around the neighborhood, and had a blast playing heroes with Superman by his side.Later in life he came to understand that if his mom hadn’t given their neighbors the costume, his now best friend probably would not have had anything to wear that night. His mom had been the real hero, and her actions had allowed for an amazing friendship, a story that is still going on today, to flourish.