Love at First Fight
There was a boy who walked all the way from El Salvador to San Francisco. And a girl who flew all the way from Michigan to San Francisco. They lived in the same city for a long, long time. Maybe their paths crossed. Like maybe she went to the restaurant where he worked, or he walked by an advertising agency where she worked. They never saw each other. One day, she started boxing. Every morning, really really early. She spent a lot of time upper cutting, left hooking, and slip-slipping and so did he. But at a different gym. And they never saw each other.Until one day, July 11, 2008 to be exact, the boy had a fight in the very same ring that she had fought before–at her gym. She went to watch her friends fight. And the boy and girl met. At first they didn’t always understand each other, like one time it took her 20 minutes to figure out that he was saying the word “sausage.” And they weren’t sure they wanted to be together, like he changed his phone number twice trying to get over her. But they eventually realized it had been love at first fight. And they’ve been married ever since.