The Two-Book Rule
The lights turned off and I froze, a pile of books clutched to my chest, as the librarian announced that the library would close in five minutes.
Every week it was the same thing: I found several books, all begging to be taken home, but in the end, I had to leave most of them behind. All because of the “two book” rule. For a curious child living in a rural area with few diversions, the two-book rule was torturous. And unfair. And immoral.
Something had to be done. I would spend the night in the library.
As the librarian helped the last patrons, I crouched in a corner at the back of the room. I did not consider that I might get hungry or cold, or that my parents might worry. I simply luxuriated in the glow of my brilliance. I could read books all night long! I heard the librarian close and lock the door.
I’d done it! I’d achieved book nirvana!
As I sat there, thumbing through the first chapter of a Judy Blume novel, I heard a key in the door. The librarian swung the door open and discovered me—sitting in her chair.
She strode across the room in five brisk steps and planted herself in front of me, her arms crossed.
“Your bike.”
“It’s still outside.”
“I had a feeling!”
“What on Earth are you doing?”
I gulped. “I’m sorry. It’s just that I always have a whole stack of books, and I only get to take two. It’s not fair.” I was generally a quiet, introverted kid. This bit of literary activism took about all the courage I’d saved up thus far in life.
The librarian looked at me for a few minutes. I wondered if she was going to call my parents. Or the police. Or take away my library card forever.
Finally, she sighed. “I can see we have a problem. I will make an exception for you. You can take ten books at a time.”
I jumped off the rocking chair, dropping my pile of books. She held up her hand. “But only if you promise that you’ll never, ever try to spend the night in the library again.”
That night, my love for librarians grew only to be matched by my love for stories. I’ve never tried to sleep in the library since, but I almost always have at least ten library books on my nightstand.