The Eisenhower Dollar
It is unbelievable how everyday items that one might take for granted, could become
iconic for another person. The Eisenhower Dollar has certainly played that function in my life.
Let me explain why: I grew up in the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico, where I started to contribute
to my family's economy at a very young age. I used to spend all my school breaks at this
souvenir store, where my mother used to work as a seamstress. "My job" consisted of dusting
showcases filled with the most beautiful, handcrafted objects international tourists would go
crazy about. Cleaning, however, wasn't nearly as fun as it was talking to people, especially these
funny-looking ones that on top of all, would speak such weird words (I mean, "how could they
understand each other?").
Some time went by until I started noticing and remembering a few of those words, so I
told myself, "Hey, why not say some of those words and see what happens?" Well, something
extraordinary did happened. Tourists started to tip me shining dollar coins. I didn't know the
exchange rate, but I could see that they looked so different from the Mexican pesos I was used
to. They also had an eagle in the back, but —unlike the Mexican coat of arms eagle stamped in
our coins— this American eagle was not killing a serpent, nor were there any cacti around!
"They must have forgotten" I thought.
The fact that I found the American eagle stamp in the Eisenhower Dollar so odd,
motivated me to "collect" more of those coins, obviously by speaking more of the strange words. I was then beginning to understand better. I really had no idea that becoming bilingual at such an early age would put me in an advantageous position in my academic/professional life. I just liked the way these coins looked, but especially the sound they made when dropped on my mother's house tile flooring. I kept a couple until constant moving made me lose track of them, but the memory of those coins kept popping into my mind during my U.S. citizenship Oath of Allegiance Ceremony, a few years back.
By the way, have you ever noticed the symphony of sounds that accompanies everyday
life? Well, that is the soundtrack of a different story I hope I get the chance to share with you.