Senior Writer
Bristol, United Kingdom 🇬🇧


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Anne-Louise is a natural storyteller, with a genuine warm interest in people and she loves nothing better than unlocking your stories. A former English teacher, for the past decade she has been working as a features writer for a Bristol magazine, focusing on community good news. She takes great pleasure too, meeting her varied guests on her radio show, which provides her with a platform to celebrate her love of the outdoors and to share her podcasts, Walking & Talking. Anne-Louise is well experienced in interviewing people and conveying their narrative in a print, digital or audio format.

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As a Story Terrace writer, Anne-L interviews customers and turns their life stories into books. Get to know them better by reading his autobiographical anecdote below

Hold On To Your Dreams

I had a flashback the other day of a conversation with my grandmother, while we were topping beans. I think about her a lot. At age 11 I declared that some day I was going to be on the radio – and she said ‘well, you do like talking’. I remember I replied with great certainty ‘yes but I’m going to be a special radio person, the wild one, who tells adventure stories, like an explorer’.

Well initially things didn’t quite pan out that way; nevertheless it’s funny how things worked out because four years ago I started presenting a show for radio.

To begin with we need to go back a few years, to when opportunity knocked at my door. Back then my work led me to being a guest on several occasions for radio. It was following these stints that I was asked if I would be interested in becoming a presenter myself. How could I possibly say no to such an exciting prospect and challenge, and after all a childhood ambition? Here was a radio station, willing to put me in a studio even though I had had no formal training. Were they mad?

From the outset – I was given intense on the job training, plenty of blunders but Kevin my mentor had my back and eventually I produced and presented my first solo live show. It’s one of my proudest moments.

Hello COVID. Schedules adapted and no guests for me. So I focused on broadcasting positive good news stories revolving around the community and outdoor activities. Because you can listen to the radio station via the free app, it also meant my mum and dad who I had not seen for months and months, could tune in and they could feel like I was in the room with them!

I love being a part of this award winning radio station – dreams do come true.

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