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Ghostwriting Through the Ages: A 1,000-Year Journey into Its History

The article traces the evolution of ghostwriting and memoirs, emphasizing the importance of trust and authenticity in these collaborations. It also highlights how technology and accessibility are reshaping the genre, amplifying diverse voices and raising new ethical considerations.

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Navigating Today’s Publishing Landscape: Insights from the 2024 London Book Fair

Exploring the evolving landscape of publishing at the London Book Fair, from the rise of self-publishing to the integration of generative AI. Embracing change and innovation in the industry.

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Niemand leeft voor altijd, dus laat uw kans niet voorbijgaan en kom meer te weten over het leven en de liefdes van uw ouders. Stel hen nu deze 11 vragen.

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The Nation’s Reverse Time Capsule

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Life Stories
The Role Of Storytelling Through Culture And Time

Storytelling is used to communicate and connect across cultures, eras and civilizations, evolving from early cave paintings to social media savvy posts.

"Stories are our primary tools of learning and teaching, the repositories of our lore and legends. They bring order into our confusing world." – Edward Miller, British Historian

Our ability to tell stories is what makes us human. Since the dawn of time, we've used these weaving narratives to teach, communicate, and connect across cultures, countries, eras, and civilizations. So tightly has storytelling entrenched itself in our humanity that a study by University College London argues that it is a powerful means of fostering social cooperation and teaching social norms, and pays valuable dividends to the storytellers themselves, improving their chances of being chosen as social partners, receiving community support, and even having healthy offspring.

The Ancient Storytellers

The art of storytelling — or passing down information, knowledge, and wisdom in creative ways — helps construct and shape our worlds, going as far back as our ancestors’ cave drawings and weaving its way into our present, digitally-dominated day. It acts as a vehicle through which to preserve what is relevant, precious, and sacred from generation to generation.

Let's take it back 30,000 years ago, when our cave-dwelling homo sapiens forefathers were painting on the walls of the Chavet Caves in southern France. Depictions of predatory animals reflect how hunting and gathering were the central focus of daily life while providing vital information for that society in the form of a visual cautionary tale.

The Ancient Egyptians, however, used stories to channel their spirituality, often drawing intricate paintings and hieroglyphics on papyrus paper and inside temples to transmit mythologies. Because maintaining a strong connection with the divine was so integral to Egyptians' daily life, it's no surprise that their storytelling reflected the core values of their culture.

Stories have also been used to pass on philosophical knowledge and advice on how to live a better life. The Mahabharata, one of two major Sanskrit epics at the core of the Hindu faith, is one such example.

Printing the Past

Moving further towards modern times, the invention of the printing press in the 15th century by Johannes Gutenberg was a powerful shift that led to an increase in literacy. Storytelling took a more informational turn through the proliferation of newspapers, the first of which was recorded in 1690. But they also began to appeal to our sense of entertainment — one of the first examples of this was the European novel "Don Quixote," which was printed in 1605.

Digital Diaries

In the 21st century world we inhabit, storytelling has been transformed by social media. The rapid rise of digital platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram over the last decade has marked a global cultural shift that has democratized storytelling. With a basic internet connection, we have the ability to self-publish any story we like at the touch of the button — with a potential viewing audience in the billions. Instagram’s ‘Stories’ tool — which allows users to share temporary video updates of their day — has over 500 million daily users, clearly proving our modern day culture's appetite for both posting our own mini-stories as well as consuming those of others.

Whether it’s documenting the ice cream we’re about to eat or discovering stories around business, fashion, or self-help from 'influencers', we can’t get enough. Storytelling functions as a way to connect, entertain, inform, and spread ideas (à la the widely popular TED Talks) — and the internet has only rapidly advanced this process.

What’s certain is that the power and potential of storytelling isn’t set to diminish anytime soon. At Story Terrace, we believe in the power of telling your story — it’s our mission to help as many people as possible tell their life stories by matching them with a professional ghostwriter. In doing so, we’re making sure that future generations can read their parents' and grandparents' stories, helping those memories and tales survive the boundaries of time.

For more information on how to gift Story Terrace to your loved one, click here or sign up for our newsletter

September 25, 2019
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Welcome to the Little Shop of Memory

The Little Shop of Memory is an interactive museum in Edinburgh that helps visitors connect with the past through the vintage objects on display.

The Little Shop of Memory: A Journey Through Time

The Little Shop of Memory is no ordinary museum. Step through its doors and you’ll find a treasure trove of antiques, ranging from jubilee silverware and military uniforms to vintage outfits and well-loved toys.

It’s a place dedicated to preserving memories of years gone by. Many of these items are decades old, some of them fragile and well-worn.

The Power of Interaction

You’d be forgiven for assuming that the signs mounted on the walls bear the usual polite request found in museums everywhere: “Please don’t touch the exhibits.”

But that’s not the case here. Far from it. In fact, every visitor is encouraged to touch whatever they like in the Little Shop of Memory. You can try on the clothes, play with the toys, and even tap out a few lines on a manual typewriter.

But that's not the only way in which the Little Shop of Memory defies expectations. There are also very few labels. If you’re curious about any of the many artifacts on display, you’ll have to actually talk to a member of the staff! They’ll be able to tell you not only what the object is, but the story behind it.

And there are a lot of stories here. This narrow unit tucked away in the corner of a shopping mall is crowded with everything, from an original Teasmade to a globe-shaped Royal Bank of Scotland piggy bank (an item which one visitor reports still smells exactly the same as the one she had as a child).

It’s all collected here for one very important reason: to help people reminisce.

Ordinary Objects, Extraordinary Stories

In that respect, the Little Shop of Memory is a resounding success. It welcomes more than 40,000 visitors a year, all of whom examine, handle, and play with the various treasures on display. The Shop's employees have discovered that when visitors interact with the objects in this way, it can often spark memories that people thought were lost forever. For one visitor, it might be the smell of a plastic money box that brings something back. For another, it might be the feel of a wooden doll or the tinkling notes of a music box. The weight and realness of these objects play an important role in preserving memories and bringing back ones you thought were lost.

Most of the items here have been donated by the general public. They are ordinary objects, but often come accompanied by extraordinary stories. There are tools that are worn from decades of use or toys that have been played with until threadbare. In one glass case, there’s even a time capsule — a glass bottle found under the floor of an old co-op with a yellowed piece of paper tucked inside bearing a cluster of signatures. A Shop worker recalls how, one day, a visitor recognized one of the names on the paper; it was his uncle, who had indeed worked for the co-op many years before.

Improving Happiness and Health

When preserving memories in a place like this, coincidences are a regular occurrence. Indeed, one wall is dedicated to identifying people in decades-old class photographs.

Of course, the Little Shop of Memory is about more than just looking back fondly. It’s also an excellent tool for improving health and memory. Preserving your memories and sharing stories from your past has long been known to have dozens of beneficial effects. A study in the British Journal of Clinical Psychology noted that reminiscing can improve memory, increase happiness, and help mitigate conditions such as dementia. The Little Shop of Memory provides the perfect setting for such reminiscing — a circle of comfortable chairs set among the ranks of artifacts.

The Legacy of a Lifetime

As well as promoting the health benefits associated with reminiscing, the Shop also serves another vital function — helping people preserve memories and pass them on to the next generation. Volunteer leader Miles Tubb talks of seeing many people come in with their children. “Because you can pick things up and because so many things in the past were mechanical, they get a lot from interacting with things. Especially if they’re in with their parents or grandparents, who can then tell their stories about what the object was.”

Perhaps that’s why the Shop has been so successful. It began as a five-month pop-up, run by The Living Memory Association, a long-standing reminiscence charity. Five years later, it’s still here. There’s even a second outlet in Livingston. It’s completely free to visit, and people wander in and out all day long.

“We never thought we’d be going so long,” says Miles. But the public has really taken to the Little Shop, with some tourists even sneaking away from their group visit to the nearby Royal Yacht Britannia to take a look around. It’s not hard to see why it’s so popular. The joy visitors feel while connecting with their past can be seen in the expression on their faces and in the fond way they handle the objects on display. Children examine hefty antique typewriters with a sense of wonder, while parents and grandparents tell them first-hand tales of how these strange machines were once used.

That is, after all, what the Little Shop of Memory is all about — stories. They’re a starting point for reminiscence, and they have the power to connect separate generations, bringing people together and preserving their memories by making them feel real – something which seems to make a lot of people very happy. As one customer remarked while browsing the items on display, “All these things! You must really see a lot of smiles in this place.”

Not everyone is fortunate enough to live just down the road from The Little Shop of Memory. If you want to preserve your memories for future generations, a Story Terrace biography could be the perfect way to do so. Sign up for our newsletter or contact us to get started right away.

September 25, 2019
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Biography Writing
The First 4 Steps to Writing Your Life Story

When you first consider writing your life story, it can feel quite daunting. Here’s a simple guide to start you on the road to a biography to be proud of.

How to Write Your Biography in Four Simple Steps

There are dozens of reasons to start writing your biography. You might wish to share your experiences with friends and family, publish a memoir for the general public to read, or preserve the heritage of your family for future generations. You might even find the process therapeutic! Your life story is unique, and there are plenty of reasons to want to record it in writing. But… how do you go about actually doing that?

When you first think about writing your life story, it can feel like a daunting job. How will you turn a life full of thoughts, memories, connections, and events into a paper and ink book? Here’s a simple, four-step approach that should help get you started on the road to a personal biography that you can be proud of…

1. Decide to Write Your Life Story

When setting out on any big project, it’s easy to let doubts get in the way. In the case of writing your biography, for example, you might find yourself wondering if it’s really worthwhile. After all, aren’t memoirs really only for celebrities? Who will want to read the story of your life?

These worries are understandable, but shouldn’t hold you back. Your story is certainly worth telling! After all, many of the most fascinating stories are found in the most unassuming places. As for who will read your story… you might be surprised at just how interesting and important your memories are to your children, grandchildren, friends, and family.

And, for that matter, you might also be surprised by just how important writing your biography is to you.

The first step to getting your biography written is to conquer your doubts, decide that you will write your biography, and start taking action. Need a little more inspiration to do just that? Take a look at our blog post Four Inspirational Reasons to Write Your Biography.

2. Gather Information

A memoir is a true life story. It’s told from your perspective, and composed from your memories, thoughts, opinions, and feelings. That’s not to say, however, that it can’t be bolstered with information from other sources. These can be anything from photographs, diaries, and journals, to conversations with the people closest to your life.

Your friends and family are a good place to start. Tell them that you’re writing your biography, and ask them about key life events. You may be stunned by the insight which they have into your life, and which events they remember even more clearly than you do. Better yet, some of your relations might be able to provide you with diaries, photo albums, or other materials to jog your memory.

3. Plan Your Story

There’s more than one way to tell your story. A good biography isn’t just a list of memories from your oldest to your most recent. Instead, your memoirs should be selective, focusing on a theme that runs throughout your life, or picking a number of notable anecdotes to build your story around.

Of course, it’s up to you to decide what that theme or those anecdotes will be! Should you focus on your friends and family? The things you’ve achieved? Places you’ve been and people you’ve met? Trying to cram everything in is a recipe for disaster, so focus on getting what matters the most to you down on paper.

It can be helpful to make a list of all the anecdotes and points of interest that you’d like to include. Once you have them all in front of you, you can begin to shuffle, edit, and prioritize. You might end up picking one incident (such as a trip to a single country) to represent a whole swathe of time in your life (such as a round-the-world trip).

4. Write

Once you’ve decided to write your life story, gathered information about your history, and made a plan, there’s only one thing left to do: write! Whether you’re a seasoned scribbler or you’ve never put pen to paper before, there are a few things to keep in mind as you finally start writing your biography.

Writing a book is a big job, so don’t rush it! Do try to be consistent, though. It’s a good idea to work on writing your biography a little each day. By making it a regular habit like this you’ll keep your biography fresh in your mind, and start to build up your word count faster than you might think.

Don’t be afraid to rewrite! Your story doesn’t have to be perfect the first time around, so don’t let worries about whether the finished thing will be any good stop you from writing it in the first place. It’s much easier to edit something that’s been written than to write fresh, so focus on putting your thoughts on paper, and worry about tidying up your work later on!

And when it does come to editing and polishing your work, your friends and family are once again extremely valuable. Consider asking someone who knows you well to read your draft and tell you what they think. As well as picking out typos and stray commas, they might also be able to tell you what memories need more detail, or what anecdotes they'd like to hear more of.

Of course, not everyone enjoys writing. If you find it difficult to get your memories in order, you might want to consider working with StoryTerrace. Our experienced ghostwriters and editorial team can handle the planning, writing, and printing of your biography for you from start to finish.

Final Thoughts…

Congratulations! You’re well on your way to having written your life story. But the journey doesn’t end once your manuscript is complete. As you approach that final chapter, it’s time to start thinking about what you want to do when your masterpiece is complete.

Will you offer a copy to a local bookshop? Give out copies to your friends and family? Keep a volume safe for children, grandchildren, and future generations? Share your biography with colleagues and other people in your field? It’s your life story, so it’s up to you what you do next.

Are you ready to take that first step? Want to learn more about writing your biography? StoryTerrace is here to help. Get in touch for a free consultation, or sign up for our newsletter for more inspiring stories and useful advice.

August 8, 2019
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Biography Writing
4 Ways to Leave a Memorable Legacy

Here are the top four things you can do to lead a purposeful life and leave a lasting legacy for your children, grandchildren, and loved ones.

Leave a Lasting Legacy: Four Steps to a Purposeful Life

When you think about the kind of legacy you want to leave behind for your children, grandchildren, and loved ones, you might start by focusing on the practical items first. However, leaving behind a legacy can be even more meaningful, and last for generations to come. There are several paths you can consider to create such a legacy, like writing your own biography, building your own tribe, reflecting on your life experiences, and so much more!

Here are the top four things you can do to lead a purposeful life and leave a lasting legacy.

1. Check Off Your Bucket List

No matter your age, it’s a fantastic exercise to create a bucket list of items you wish to accomplish, places you want to visit, and experiences you’d like to have. Simply going through the exercise, and including loved ones in the process, can inject a sense of purpose in your day-to-day life. When crafting the items on your bucket list, it helps to include both attainable and aspirational goals. The items you write on your bucket list will serve as a catalyst for crafting the legacy you wish to leave behind.

For example, you might want to visit the mountaintops of Machu Picchu at least once in your lifetime. With this on your bucket list, you might feel inspired to join a local hiking group or eat at a local Peruvian restaurant to learn more about the Peruvian people and their culture. And after you finally visit Machu Picchu, you might even write about it in your biography and share the life lessons you learned from the trip.

2. Journal Your Life

When you think about your legacy, it’s incredibly helpful to reflect on your values and how they have served as a guiding light in your life—they can serve as an example for future generations. Take a proactive stance about your reflection process by writing in a journal; consider writing a separate journal entry for each question:

  • How do I want to be remembered by family and friends?
  • How can I make a difference in my community and in the world?
  • What are the top five stories I want to make sure are never forgotten about my life?
  • What kind of experiences can I have/create that will enrich my life this next year? The next five years? The next decade?
  • What is working well for me in my life right now, and what can I do even better in the next year? In the next five years?
  • If I had to write my biography today, is there anything that I haven’t done that I would like to include in my life story?
  • What are my values, and what experiences have I had that reflect those values? How can I build on those experiences for a more meaningful life?

3. Write a Biography That Brings Your Personal Story to Life

Much like a treasured family heirloom, writing a biography about yourself is a wonderful gift for generations to come. Your biography can include important lessons you’ve learned at different stages in your life and the memorable experiences you’ve had thus far. It can also include important information about your family’s lineage and culture, and you can craft a rich tapestry of stories for curious family members and loved ones down the road.

If the idea of spending your time writing about your life is daunting, consider using a ghostwriter to help you with this process. Story Terrace is an innovative company that works with renowned professional writers across the world that help capture people’s life stories, such as yours. You’ll have the opportunity to work with both a writer and editor to craft an heirloom that perfectly encapsulates the multitudes you contain within, and share the stories that need to be remembered.

“Now that I have my completed book in hand, I am elated ... it is a beautiful legacy of my life stories and life lessons. My children appreciate having our family history recorded for future generations. They think it was an efficient way to create a quality product that will truly become a family heirloom.” - Barbara G. Matthews

4. Build and Nurture Your Tribe

Writer and thought leader Seth Godin defines a tribe as a group of people connected to one another, connected to a leader, and connected to an idea, in his book Tribes. Building a tribe, or community, is an incredibly enriching experience, and can help you and your tribe members create a lasting legacy. Your tribe can be a tight-knit group of friends or a large group of like-minded people drawn together by a common cause. You can choose to build and lead your tribe, or join one whose mission is in alignment with your own values and dreams.

One of the best ways to create or find a tribe is by volunteering in your community with a few organizations whose mission resonates with you. For example, you can become a mentor, teach a skill that’s important to learn, or provide a valuable service that’s in need (e.g., accounting, cooking meals, etc.). Living a more connected life is something that will serve you in countless ways—the tribe you build today can pave the way for future generations and help them find community and a place of belonging.

Regardless of who you are, or where your path has taken you, yours is a life worth remembering. Just as it is worth contemplating the kind of legacy you wish to leave behind, it is equally necessary to lead life with a joie de vivre mentality. When you love the life you’re living, you’ll be sure to leave behind captivating stories that will be shared with generations to come—now that’s a legacy worth creating!

For more details, sign up for our newsletter or contact us today to talk about how we can help capture your life story.

May 24, 2019
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Wat Marie Kondo ons kan leren over het schrijven van een biografie

De wijsheden van opruimgoeroe Marie Kondo gaan verder dan slechts het huis opruimen. Ze kunnen ons leren het verleden beter te ordenen.

De Levensveranderende Magie van Het Schrijven van Uw Biografie“Als je je spullen ordent, orden je ook je verleden." We zijn het volledig met Marie Kondo eens. De Japanse auteur en opruimgoeroe heeft een wereldwijde trend veroorzaakt met haar beroemde boek The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up. Maar de koningin van het opruimen kan ons lessen leren die verder gaan dan slechts persoonlijke bezittingen ordenen. Haar wijsheden gaan over het organiseren en uitpluizen van het leven in al zijn aspecten, het leren loslaten en het leven versimpelen. Niet alleen in huis.Er is een fascinerende correlatie tussen het opruimen van de fysieke omgeving en de impact die dit heeft op het mentale welzijn. De KonMari-methode is feitelijk ook toepasbaar om het eigen verleden te ordenen. Uw biografie (laten) schrijven helpt u om vergeten herinneringen op te halen, uw ervaringen te categoriseren en, als resultaat daarvan, uw leven te vieren. Het doorspitten van avonturen uit het verleden is een Kondo-achtige methode om naar een schone lei terug te keren.À la Marie Kondo zijn hier zes manieren waarop het schrijven van uw biografie kan helpen om emotionele bagage te ordenen en los te laten.1. Krijg Inzicht in het Narratief van Uw LevenUw levensverhaal voelt wellicht als een grote mengelmoes van het goede, het minder goede en dat wat uw leven voorgoed veranderde. Als u met het opruimen van uw leven begint, kan uw levensverhaal ontwarren tot een heel goed verhaal. Iedereen heeft een uniek verhaal - u hoeft er alleen maar voor te gaan zitten en de betekenis van de onderdelen ervan boven te laten komen.2. Herontdek Herinneringen en ErvaringenZoals Marie Kondo zegt: “Vanaf het moment dat je gaat opruimen, zal je gedwongen worden je leven opnieuw in te delen. Gevolg hiervan is dat je leven zal veranderen." Het verleden uitpluizen is niet een bezigheid voor even tussendoor. Het is net als oude boeken doorbladeren; een trip down memory lane waardoor men vergeten gewaande herinneringen (her)ontdekt. Als u begint met het schrijven van uw biografie zullen ervaringen die in de vergetelheid waren geraakt naar de voorgrond komen. En vertrouw ons; ze zijn het waard om opgeschreven te worden.3. Categoriseer Uw HerinneringenWaarschijnlijk het belangrijkste onderdeel van opruimen is het categoriseren van spullen. Net als het bewust ordenen van alle diverse eigendommen kan het categoriseren van herinneringen harmonie in uw leven brengen. Door uw avonturen en herinneringen door te kammen, zal elk onderdeel van uw leven - en uiteindelijk uw boek - op zijn plek vallen.4. Ontwar Uw Verleden“Het proces van je bezittingen evalueren en een selectie erbinnen maken kan pijnlijk zijn. Het forceert ons om onze imperfecties en tekortkomingen en gemaakte keuzes onder ogen te komen.” Marie Kondo benadrukt dat het uitpluizen van persoonlijke bagage - letterlijk en emotioneel - confronterend kan zijn. Als u uw verhaal aan het schrijven bent, kunnen onbegrijpelijke en domme gebeurtenissen opkomen. Deze ervaringen evalueren kan u helpen om grip te krijgen op uw leven, voorgoed.5. Verbinding met Verleden en Toekomst“Vasthouden aan het verleden en angsten over de toekomst beheersen niet alleen hoe je een selectie maakt in de dingen die je bezit, maar representeren ook de criteria voor het maken van andere keuzes in je leven. Waaronder bijvoorbeeld je relaties met mensen en je werk.” De KonMari-methode focust op hechten en loslaten om ruimte te creëren voor huidige bezittingen. Uw verleden loslaten en accepteren kan op eenzelfde manier de weg vrijmaken voor uw huidige en toekomstige zelf.6. Vier Het Leven!“Niet alleen jij, maar ook je bezittingen zullen helder en opgefrist zijn als je klaar bent met opruimen.” Marie Kondo had het niet beter kunnen zeggen. Uw leven evalueren en erover schrijven kan een therapeutische uitwerking hebben. Door met iemand te praten over alles wat u meegemaakt hebt, die gebeurtenissen te ordenen en de minder leuke los te laten, zult u zich energiek en opgeladen voelen. Uw mentale welzijn zal u er dankbaar voor zijn.The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up kan ons helpen om ons hele leven op te ruimen. Klaar om dieper te gaan? Plan een gratis consult in voor uzelf of een dierbare om uw verleden op te ruimen en uw biografie te laten schrijven!Schrijf u in voor onze nieuwsbrief voor meer informatie of neem direct contact op.

May 3, 2019
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7 Tips from Marie Kondo to Declutter Your Past

“To put your things in order means to put your past in order, too.” according to Marie Kondo.

How Writing Your Biography is Like a Spring Clean for the Mind

“To put your things in order means to put your past in order, too.” We couldn’t agree more, Marie Kondo. The Japanese author and organisation wizard sparked a tidying phenomenon through her infamous book, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up. But Kondo's lessons go far past rationalising your belongings. It’s about decluttering your life in all aspects, learning to let go, and simplifying. And sparking joy doesn’t just happen in your home space.

There’s a fascinating correlation between organising your physical belongings and the drastic impact it has on your mental well-being. The KonMari Method is actually applicable to decluttering your past. Writing your biography helps you discover lost memories, categorise your experiences, and as a result, celebrate your life. By weeding through your past adventures, you’re Kondo-ing your way to a decluttered, fresh slate.

A’la Marie Kondo, here are the seven ways writing your biography is like a spring clean for the mind.

1. Categorise Your Memories

Arguably the most important element to tidying up is categorising your belongings. You can do exactly the same thing with your past. Organising memories can bring a sense of harmony to your life. By examining your experiences, giving each the proper attention, and placing each into themes or chapters, you’ll be able to compartmentalise sections of your book—and your life.

2. Discard What Doesn't Matter

Just like a house, it's all too easy to carry around aspects of our own story that no longer serve us. We could all use a good edit. Writing your biography is literally an opportunity to edit your life story. Work out what mattered, and leave out what didn't. Then you can carry that new story with you into the future.

3. Give Important Moments Their Place

Anyone who has watched Kondo's Netflix programme knows that people really struggle when it comes to the final stage of her process: letting go of sentimental items. Tearful moments abound as participants in the show cling to keepsakes that have been piled up in the attic for years.

Here's the good news: tidying up doesn't necessarily mean throwing away. It can also mean giving an item the proper respect. For example, you might get rid of a dusty box of prints, but frame the important photos on the wall. The same goes for your history: you can take those 'sentimental items' and present them in a way that gives them their proper place: a page or chapter in your biography.

4. Let Go of Physical Clutter Too

If you're holding on to old photos, letters and other mementos, recording your story in a book could free you up to let go of physical clutter as well. Once you have your book, you can be confident the experiences won't be forgotten or lost. Items like photographs and letters can even be scanned and included. With your beautiful hardbound books on the shelf, you might find you no longer need to hold on to so much stuff.

5. Rediscover Lost Memories and Past Experiences

Like going through old books, taking a trip down memory lane might just help you to discover memories you’ve hidden away for years. When you start writing your biography, experiences you’ve had buried away come to the forefront. And trust us, it’s worth writing about.

6. Make Sense of Your Life Narrative

Your life story might feel like a huge jumble of the good, the bad, and the life-changing. When you start to declutter your past, your true life story can begin to emerge. Everyone has their unique story—you just have to sit down and make sense of yours.

As Marie Kondo says, “From the moment you start tidying, you will be compelled to reset your life. As a result, your life will start to change.”

“The process of facing and selecting our possessions can be quite painful. It forces us to confront our imperfections and inadequacies and the foolish choices we made in the past.” Kondo emphasises that going through our baggage—literal and emotional—can be a difficult thing to confront. When you write your story, every incredible and foolish experience can come up. Sifting through these experiences can help you make sense of your life, for good.

7. Make Room for Your Future

“Attachment to the past and fears concerning the future not only govern the way you select the things you own but also represent the criteria by which you make choices in every aspect of your life, including your relationships with people and your job.” The KonMari Method focuses on attachment and letting go in order to make room for your present belongings. Letting go and accepting your past can make way for your present and future self.

“Not only you, but your things as well, will feel clear and refreshed when you are done tidying.” Marie Kondo couldn’t be more right. Going through your life and writing it out can be therapeutic. By talking to someone about everything you’ve gone through, sorting it out, and letting go of the not-so-fun stuff, you’ll feel recharged. Your mental well-being will seriously thank you.

The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up can help us declutter our entire lives. Ready to get deeper? Schedule a free consultation for you or a loved one to start decluttering your past and writing a biography!

For more details, sign up for our newsletter, or contact us today.

April 29, 2019
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Ontmoet onze schrijvers

Leer de schrijvers kennen achter de Story Terrace biografieën. Iedereen heeft een verhaal. Biografen maken het makkelijk om dat verhaal te vertellen, zodat u zelf niet hoeft te piekeren over structuur, toon of tijd. Zij krijgen de juiste woorden op papier en samen maken jullie een reis langs de mooiste verhalen en herinneringen.

Working with a Biographer: The Journey of Telling Your Story

Everyone has a story. Biographers make it easy to tell that story, so you don't have to worry about structure, tone, or time. But working with a biographer isn't just about getting the right words on paper. It's also about the journey you embark on together, as sharing your story—or that of a loved one—means revisiting the most personal moments of a life.

Biographers don't just document; they listen attentively. They ask questions that draw out important details and themes, helping to create a mosaic of images and memories. Through deep communication, the writer can weave the interviewee's memories into a clear narrative. Due to the intimacy of this process, many writers and clients develop a friendship.

Video: Saskia Lensink on writing for Story Terrace

Story Terrace writer Saskia Lensink, interviewed in the video above: "I am always interested in personal stories and I am also fascinated by history."

“Mijn schrijver was een excellente vertolker en rechercheur van gebeurtenissen, emotie en feiten." - E. Vente

When you hire a biographer, you want to be sure they can bring stories to life on paper. Much of this comes from the connection between you and the writer. You don't have to have anything in common. You don't need to be the same age or even come from the same country; the main thing is that you feel comfortable with the person sitting across from you and their ability to create a compelling story.

Many people who want to write their biography aren't sure how to find a suitable biographer. To ensure our clients are matched with experienced and competent writers, we recruit through professional and personal networks, recruiters, journalism and writing schools, newspapers, literary agencies, and job postings. Then, a Story Terrace editor conducts personal interviews with the candidates, and upon admission, the writer is prepared using our writer's handbook. Our 100+ writers live all over the country, from Groningen to Limburg, in both large cities and small towns. What they have in common is a passion for helping others capture their life stories.

“Wat een fantastisch mens en schrijfster is Trudy en wat een goede luisteraar! Dankzij haar inzet en schrijftalent heeft zij er een heel mooi en waardevol verhaal van weten te maken.” - Mevr. Mollenvanger - Vanderbroeck

We have writers at two different experience levels: junior and senior. Here is an introduction to some of our writers.

Our senior copywriter and journalist, Linda Huijsmans, is an experienced interviewer. She enjoys writing for and about entrepreneurs, including for the Financieele Dagblad and the Volkskrant.

Another senior writer is Joep Boerboom. He is an experienced biographer, having written a biography of Jan Terlouw and documenting life stories for

Mireille van Hout is a senior copywriter and author. She has published several novels, lived in Spain for a while, and loves jazz, art, classical music, and history.

Kees Zwart, one of our junior writers, studied Social Psychology, worked for various social organizations, and spent six months in Mexico City, where he went in search of stories.

Among the junior writers is also Melisa Verheijen. She studied at the School of Journalism, lives in the Achterhoek, and freelances for Tubantia and the Gelderlander.

Our large pool of professionals makes it easy to find a ghostwriter. All our writers, regardless of their level, have been thoroughly screened through our application and training process.

When a client is ready to work with a biographer, we introduce them to several writers based on location, availability, and suitability. We always strive to find a writer who has a connection with the client, whether through shared interests, hobbies, education, expertise, or language.

“Ik ben heel blij dat Story Terrace mijn leven op deze manier onder woorden heeft gebracht.” - Mevr. van Hilten-Koopmans

Once a match is made, the writer contacts the client directly to schedule interviews. The editor regularly checks in with both parties to discuss progress. After the interviews are conducted, the editor assists the client in reviewing and approving the table of contents, the first draft, and the final version of the book.

“Onze schrijfster Liesbeth heeft het geweldig gedaan. De interviews, de bereidheid om naar ons toe te komen en de communicatie; allemaal super. Mijn opa en oma zijn haar enorm dankbaar.” - J. Hornberg

Whether you want to write your own story or give the gift of a biography, working with a biographer is a beautiful way to finally get that story on paper. Story Terrace is the leading biography service with professional writers who interview you in the comfort of your own home.

Sign up for our newsletter for more information or request a writer match for personalized suggestions.

April 3, 2019
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9 redenen waarom je ouders het geweldig zullen vinden om hun eigen biografie te krijgen

Wij weten een ding zeker: een Story Terrace biografie is een onvergetelijk cadeau. Lees meer over de redenen waarom ze het een geweldige ervaring zullen vinden. Bezorgd dat je vader of moeder het toch niet ziet zitten? In dat geval hebben we ook een risicoloze oplossing.

Een ding weten wij zeker: een Story Terrace biografie is een onvergetelijk cadeau. Maar het is niet ongebruikelijk om wat ongerust te zijn over de reactie van je naasten als je hen een eigen biografie schenkt, zeker als het een cadeau voor je vader of moeder is.Om je gerust te stellen, zijn hier negen redenen waarom ze dit cadeau juist prachtig zullen vinden. En je leest over onze risicoloze regeling als ze er toch niet aan willen beginnen.1. Je ouders zullen zich speciaal, geliefd en gewaardeerd voelenHoe stoïcijns of altruïstisch je vader of moeder ook is; diep van binnen wil iedereen het gevoel hebben dat zij een positieve impact hebben gehad en dat ze geliefd zijn. Je ouders hun eigen biografie cadeau geven, geeft daarom een bijzonder signaal af, waarmee je zegt dat hun verhaal het waard is om naar geluisterd en bewaard te worden. Natuurlijk is het mogelijk dat ze in eerste instantie protesteren:"Waarom heb je geld daaraan uitgegeven?""Wat is er zo bijzonder aan mij?"Maar wanneer ze inzien dat jij hun verhaal wilt documenteren, dat het belangrijk is voor jou en jullie familie, dan zullen de dankbaarheid, het respect en de waardering die je voor hen voelt ineens duidelijk worden. Gegarandeerd een brok in je keel.2. Je ouders geven ook om jullie familie-erfgoedDe meeste biografieën gaan niet alleen over de geïnterviewde — ze gaan over de gehele familiehistorie en jullie gedeelde erfgoed. Hoe groeiden opa en oma op? Waarheen gingen ze op vakantie? Hoe was het als de hele familie samenkwam?Die dingen doen ertoe; het maakt ons wie we zijn. Zoals een klant onlangs vertelde: "Als je je verleden kent, weet je waar je naartoe gaat." Je ouders zullen er de waarde van inzien dat hun kinderen en kleinkinderen hun familiegeschiedenis leren kennen en met zich meedragen voor toekomstige generaties.3. Het is het perfecte cadeau van betekenis voor ouders die 'alles' al hebbenAls het aankomt op een cadeau voor je vader en moeder verzinnen heb je waarschijnlijk de gebruikelijke opties al overwogen of ingezet: cadeaukaart voor een mooi restaurant, een dagje spa, concerttickets. En niemand vergeet meer het jaar van de familiefoto (met matching outfits, uiteraard). Maar als er een belangrijke mijlpaal in zicht is, wil je waarschijnlijk een meer betekenisvol cadeau aan je ouders schenken.Hier komt de biografie om de hoek. Een uniek cadeau dat zich onderscheidt van de standaardopties — en je kunt ervan uitgaan dat jij de enige met dit cadeau op het feest zult zijn. Het is het perfecte gebaar voor de verjaardag van een van je ouders, hun pensioenfeest of een huwelijksjubileum (we inderdaad maken ook boeken over moeder & vader samen, mocht je het je afvragen).4. Het is niet gewoon een boek; het is een ervaringWat is belangrijker: ervaringen delen of meer spullen hebben? We weten allemaal het antwoord daarop, maar met Story Terrace hoef je niet te kiezen. De ervaring die je jouw naaste geeft door het creëren van zijn of haar eigen verhaal samen met een schrijver zal even waardevol zijn als het moment dat ze het geschreven boek overhandigd krijgen.Voor veel klanten zijn de interviews met onze schrijvers het hoogtepunt van het hele cadeau - zij kijken uit naar elk interview. Sommige schrijvers en klanten zijn zelfs vrienden geworden, die lang na het afronden van de biografie nog contact onderhouden.5. Ze zijn wel toe aan een projectDe ervaring hoeft niet op te houden als de schrijver naar huis gaat. Als je moeder of vader willen, kan het schrijven van de biografie hun nieuwe hobby worden. Je vindt hen misschien tussen stapels oude foto's, of ze spitten hun kinderdagboeken door, of ze maken notities gedurende de dag om tijdens hun volgende interview te delen.Als ze te druk zijn of als dit niet bij hen past, zullen onze schrijvers meer dan voldoende materiaal voor het boek uit alleen de interviews halen. Maar voor sommige ouders (bijvoorbeeld de onlangs gepensioneerden die nog niet helemaal hebben uitgevogeld hoe ze de vrije dagen doorkomen) is een project net wat ze nodig hebben.6. Het is een verbindend moment voor de hele familieStel je voor dat je hele familie samen kan lachen om vergeten verhalen van vroeger en om nieuwe verhalen die voor het eerst gedeeld worden. Het is niet ongebruikelijk dat dit gebeurt gedurende het maken van de biografie en, naar we begrepen hebben, ook nog lang daarna.“Onlangs gaf ik mijn oma een boek over haar leven cadeau voor haar 86e verjaardag,” vertelt Story Terrace klant Ozge Ozcer. “Voor mij was het een geweldige ervaring om meer te weten te komen over de krachtige vrouw die ik altijd alleen heb gekend als 'oma'. Het geluk en de dankbaarheid op haar gezicht toen ze haar cadeau ontving - dat was onbeschrijfelijk."7. Het is een zeldzaam moment van zelfreflectie“Het leven gaat snel. Als je niet eens in de zoveel tijd stopt en om je heen kijkt, zou je het zomaar kunnen missen.” Het zijn de onsterfelijke woorden van Ferris Bueller en hij had een goed punt. De meesten van ons gaan zo op in de dagelijkse routine, familieverplichtingen en werk dat we vergeten om een moment in te bouwen voor reflectie op ons leven, de dingen die we bereikt hebben en de mensen die we onderweg hebben leren kennen.Met een schrijver samen die momenten van zelfreflectie koesteren, is onbetaalbaar. In feite is het creëren en geven van een boek, en het duiden van levensgebeurtenissen, een van de meest belangrijke baten van biografisch schrijven. Het geeft je ouders perspectief op en overzicht over hun leven.8. Een biografie schrijven kan goed zijn voor de gezondheidEen biografie geeft je ouders de kans om hun versie van gebeurtenissen te vertellen aan een liefhebbend publiek dat zich daarom bekommert. Het is een medicijn op zichzelf, volgens Psychology Today, “Elke keer dat je jouw verhaal vertelt aan iemand die daar aandacht voor heeft, zet je stress-reacties van je lichaam uit, waardoor je giftige stresshormonen zoals cortisol en adrenaline neutraliseert en daarvoor in de plaats ruimte maakt voor ontspanningsreacties die herstellende hormonen als oxytocine, dopamine en endorfine vrijgeven.”9. We doen er alles aan om het een geslaagd project voor jouw dierbare te laten zijnWij zijn er om je te helpen. Kunnen we je bijstaan door je vader telefonisch over te halen? Geen probleem. Kunnen we je moeder het vertrouwen geven dat we echt de juiste schrijver voor haar hebben gevonden? We doen het graag. Of is het belangrijk dat een schrijver bepaalde onderwerpen extra voorzichtig behandelt? We zullen ervoor zorgen dat alles soepel verloopt.Ontvangers van een biografie als geschenk kiezen er uiteindelijk bijna altijd voor om deze met ons te gaan schrijven. Simpelweg omdat we er alles aan doen om het een geslaagd project te maken voor jou en je familie.Toch geen succes? Geen probleem.De laatste reden waarom je je geen zorgen hoeft te maken: als je vader of moeder toch afziet van een eigen biografie staan wij garant. Mocht je beslissen het project te cancelen voordat het aanvangt, restitueren we volledig zonder verdere vragen. Bekijk onze voorwaarden voor de details.Klaar om je ouders het cadeau te geven dat levens lang mee zal gaan? Met Story Terrace contact opnemen is de eerste stap. Wij zullen je vervolgens in contact brengen met een ervaren schrijver die het maken van de biografie zo gemakkelijk mogelijk maakt voor je ouders en hen in het comfort van hun eigen huis zal interviewen.Schrijf u in voor onze nieuwsbrief voor meer informatie of vraag een schrijversmatch aan voor gepersonaliseerde suggesties.

April 3, 2019
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9 reasons your parent will love writing their biography

Worried mum or dad won't like your biography gift idea? Here's why they'll love it, and how we have you covered if they don't. One thing we know: a Story Terrace biography makes for an unforgettable gift.

One thing we know: a Story Terrace biography makes for an unforgettable gift. Something else we know: it's not unusual to be apprehensive about your loved one's reaction—especially if it's a gift for your mum or dad.

To put your mind at ease, here are nine reasons why they will simply love this gift, and our zero-risk solution if they don't want to go ahead.

1. Dedicating a biography to your parent will make them feel special, cared for, and worthy

However stoical or self-sacrificing your mum or dad is, deep down everyone wants to feel that they've made a positive impact, and that they are loved. Gifting your parent a biography sends a strong, supportive message, one that says their story is worth listening to and preserving. Sure, they might protest at first:

"Why did you spend all that money?"

"What's so special about me?"

But as it dawns on them that you want them to record their story—that it matters to you and your whole family—the gratitude, respect, and appreciation that you feel for them will hit home. Queue lump in throat.

2. Your parents care about your heritage too

Most biographies aren't just about the storyteller—they're about family history and heritage. How did grandma and grandpa grow up? Where did they all go on vacation? What was a big family meal like?

This stuff is important—it's what makes us who we are. As one customer told us recently, "knowing your past shows you where you are going." Your parents will understand the value of their children and grandchildren knowing their heritage and carrying it forward for future generations.

3. It's the perfect meaningful gift for parents who already have everything they need

When it comes to getting Mum or Dad a gift, you’ve probably exhausted the usual suspects: restaurant gift cards, spa services, tickets to a show. And who can forget the year of the family group photo? (With matching denim button-downs, naturally.) But when it comes to a major milestone, you’re probably looking to share a more meaningful gift with your parents.

That’s where a biography comes in. It’s a unique gift that truly stands out from the crowd—rest assured that you’ll be the only one coming to the party with the idea. It's the perfect gesture for a parent's birthday, retirement, or wedding anniversary. (Yes, we can make a book about mum and dad together, if you're wondering!)

4. It's not just a book - it's an experience

Which is more important, sharing experiences or more stuff? We all know what we're supposed to say—but with Story Terrace, you don't have to choose. Your loved one's experience of creating their story with a writer will be just as amazing as receiving their finished books.

For many customers, sessions with our writers are the highlight of the whole gift—they really look forward to each interview. Some of them have even become firm friends, staying in touch long after the books are completed.

5. A project might be just what they need

The experience doesn't have to stop when your writer goes home. If Mum or Dad want to, they can make it into a new hobby. You might find them engrossed in old photos, digging up childhood journals, or even jotting down thoughts to share during their interviews.

If they're way too busy for all that or it's not their style, our writers will get more than enough material from the interviews. But for some parents, a project is just what the doctor ordered (we're talking retirees who haven't quite figured out how to take a day off).

6. It's a bonding moment for the whole family

Picture this: your whole family laughing together over old stories long forgotten, and new ones uncovered for the first time. It's not unusual for that to happen throughout the book creation process—and from what we hear, long after as well.

“I recently gave a book to my grandma about her life story for her 86th birthday,” said Story Terrace customer Ozge Ozcer. “To me, it was an amazing experience to learn about a powerful woman whom I've always simply known as 'granny'. The happiness and gratitude on her face when she first received her gift was just beyond words.”

7. It's a rare moment for self-reflection

“Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop to look around once in a while, you could miss it.” The immortal words of Ferris Bueller. He has a good point. Most of us get so consumed by daily routine, family obligations, and work that we neglect to take a moment to reflect on our life, the things we’ve accomplished, and the people that we’ve touched along the way.

Working with a writer to coax out those moments of self-reflection is priceless. In fact, creating a book and giving events a beginning, middle, and end is one of the most important benefits of biography writing. It gives your parents a “big picture” view of their lives.

8. Writing a biography might just be good for their health

A biography gives your parents a chance to tell their version of events to a loving audience who cares. That's medicine within itself: according to Psychology Today, “Every time you tell your story and someone else who cares bears witness to it, you turn off the body’s stress responses, flipping off toxic stress hormones like cortisol and epinephrine and flipping on relaxation responses that release healing hormones like oxytocin, dopamine, nitric oxide, and endorphins.”

9. We will do everything we can to make it work for your loved one

If all else fails, we're here to help. Need us to talk to dad on the phone to win him over? No problem. Need some extra help ensuring we have the right writer in place for mum? Just ask. Need your writer to tread carefully around a sensitive topic? We'll make sure it goes smoothly.

It's unusual for gift recipients to decide against writing their biography with us, for the simple reason that we do everything we can to make it work for you and your family.

No dice? We have you covered

One final reason you don't need to worry: if your mum or dad doesn't want to go ahead, we have you covered. If you decide to cancel before work starts on the project, we'll refund you with no questions asked. Check out our T&Cs for full details.

Ready to give your parents a gift that’ll last lifetimes? Reaching out to Story Terrace is the first step. We'll connect you with a qualified writer who will make the biography writing process as convenient for your parents as possible—including interviewing them in the comfort of their own home.

For more details, sign up for our newsletter, or contact us today.

March 19, 2019
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Now Is The Time To Share Your Story

StoryTerrace is your personal storytelling partner, offering high-quality professional ghostwriting and book publishing services.

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A man in a suit and sunglasses standing in a field.
A man standing in front of a tree.
A book with an image of an octopus on it.
A couple of people standing on top of a mountain.
A book cover with a pink flower on it.