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Personal Development

The Life Of Chuck Sallah

The Life of Chuck Sallah follows the author’s evolving relationship with family values. Despite being taught the importance of family from childhood, the young Chuck begins to neglect familial relationships in the face of life’s distractions before finally rediscovering their value as he grows older and raises a family of his own.

Chuck Sallah's memoir explores his journey from neglecting family values to rediscovering their importance through parenthood and maturity.
Personal Development

Love, Family, Music, God & Country... and Sugar

Love, Family, Music, God & Country…and Sugar captures the story of Sylvia R. Minick in 170 beautiful photographs. Sylvia’s memoir guides readers through the most precious moments of her long life, emphasising the importance of family, friends and faith.

Sylvia R. Minick's memoir uses 170 photographs to chronicle her life, highlighting family, friendship, and faith as central themes.
Personal Development
Overcoming Adversity

Checkmate: The Black Schoolboy who Beat a Chess Grandmaster at 12

Brian Lewis’ Checkmate: The Black Schoolboy who Beat a Chess Grandmaster at 12 is a moving account of how a chess team made up of council estate children inspired an entire working-class community to take up the game that had historically been played by those from a more privileged background. Micklefield School, located in the heart of a working-class community, was inspired by a formidable teacher named Mr. Green who made it his quest to form a chess team that would make the school and the area proud. After two years of training, the school produced 5 individual chess champions, started winning the chess league and produced a player that beat an International Grandmaster within 4 years at the age of 12.

Brian Lewis chronicles a working-class school's chess team's rise, culminating in a 12-year-old student defeating a grandmaster.
Personal Development

Defiantly Successful

Defiantly Successful follows the journey of Jacob Frese as he learns from failures and embraces life’s unpredictability on his path to becoming a successful entrepreneur.

Jacob Frese's Defiantly Successful chronicles his entrepreneurial journey, highlighting lessons from failures and embracing life's uncertainties.

Het Avontuur Van De Liefde

In Het Avontuur Van De Liefde, Eelkje Faber-van der Ploeg recounts her journey from a small Dutch village to a new life in Germany. The author portrays her younger self as a cheerful, mischievous girl who adapts easily to new environments. The narrative focuses on her meeting with future husband Jaap Faber and their subsequent emigration to Germany in 1959. Eelkje describes this period as a time of freedom and adventure, highlighting her 21st birthday as a pivotal moment in her life story. The book offers a personal account of love, migration, and coming of age in mid-20th century Europe.

Eelkje Faber-van der Ploeg chronicles her journey from rural Netherlands to Germany, exploring love, migration, and personal growth in mid-20th century Europe.

Target Steel: The Successful Story of The Simones

Target Steel: The Successful Story of the Simones follows a young immigrant as he travels to America. After enduring years of labour in an unfulfilling occupation, his perseverance is ultimately rewarded as he witnesses the upward mobility of his children. The story explores themes of sacrifice, generational progress, and the pursuit of the American Dream. Through the author's journey, he examines the complexities of cultural assimilation and the transformative power of hard work in shaping one's destiny in a new land.

An immigrant's journey explores sacrifice and generational progress as he pursues the American Dream, witnessing his children's success.
Personal Development

My Life

My Life follows Frank Gibson on a journey to find contentment and fulfilment. The narrative explores the protagonist's evolving perspective on happiness, which ultimately centres on the well-being and success of his wife and children. Despite facing numerous challenges and hardships, Gibson and his family emerge resilient and united. The book emphasises the importance of familial bonds and personal growth, suggesting that true satisfaction stems from the collective happiness and achievements of one's loved ones.

Frank Gibson's quest for fulfillment evolves as he discovers true contentment in his family's well-being and success.
Overcoming Adversity

An Ordinary Man: from Vienna to Japan and Back during World War Two

“It truly is a story like no other.”

E. Randol Schoenberg, lawyer, genealogist and author.

Chris Bock’s An Ordinary Man is history captured through a personal lens - a WW2 adventure, a family saga, a love story, and a testament to the power of the human spirit. A true story of a Jewish gay man’s extraordinary life, from escaping Nazi oppression in Austria– saving his family via a winning lottery ticket– to finding refuge of sorts in Japan before finally settling down to a quiet life back in Vienna after the war. An Ordinary Man is the story of the extraordinary Paul Patek, who witnessed some of the 20th century’s most traumatic events with an unfailing optimism and spirit.

Chris Bock's An Ordinary Man chronicles Paul Patek's journey as a Jewish gay man during World War II, from Austria to Japan and back.

Knock On The Door: A Food Journal

Sandra Anani's Knock on the Door: A Food Journal explores the significance of unexpected visitors in family life and social interactions. The narrative revolves around the excitement and anticipation associated with a knock at the door, which often signals the arrival of friends or family bearing gifts of food and flowers. Anani examines how this simple act serves as a catalyst for social engagements, fostering connections and creating cherished memories. The book weaves together themes of hospitality, culinary traditions, and the joy of shared experiences, offering insights into the author's personal and cultural background.

Sandra Anani explores unexpected visitors' impact on family and social life, examining hospitality, culinary traditions, and shared experiences.

Diary Of A Nobody

Diary of a Nobody tells the eventful story of Rob Woods, recounting fascinating and entertaining tales such as crashing a plane, arranging a mass of hypnotised chickens into the shape of his own name, and being resurrected following his own death in 2010. At 52 years old, Rob’s path to contentment has been anything but straightforward, his life a rich tapestry made complete by his loving partner and two children.

Rob Woods' memoir highlights his social gaffes and domestic misadventures with dry humor.

Where Did The Time Go

Where Did the Time Go documents the hectic and exciting lives of Vagesh and Gowri Hampole. The story follows the pair through the rise of a successful medical practice and the birth of their children as they live lives defined by family and friendship.

Vagesh and Gowri Hampole's lives unfold through their medical practice, family growth, and friendships in Anita Hampole's Where Did the Time Go.
Personal Development

Cutting a Long Story Short

Abraham Bejerano's Cutting a Long Story Short follows the author's journey from Israel to London on a search for opportunity and fulfilment. The son of Jewish Bulgarians who arrived in Israel fleeing Nazi occupation, Abraham spent time as a young adult in the Israeli military before moving to start a successful career in London. Abraham's journey is a storied one, transitioning from soldier to businessman to family man on his long and winding path to fulfilment.

Abraham Bejerano's memoir chronicles his journey from Israel to London, exploring themes of identity, opportunity, and personal growth.

The Story So Far

“We shall emerge triumphant from this ordeal,And through the crucible unscathed we’ll pass;When we are poised the wounds of battle to heal,We shall remember those who died in mass;Then shall our trumpets peal the glorious song,Of victory we scored o’er might and wrong.'

Land of the Rising Sun' - Biafran national anthem.The Story So Far traces the impact of the Biafran War across the lives of Austin and Grace Arafiena and their children. Despite the war’s long shadow, Austin and Grace’s memoir follows the couple as they navigate the long, difficult and oftentimes dangerous journey to parenthood in the wake of the violence.

This memoir explores the Biafran War's impact on the Arafiena family, chronicling their journey through conflict and parenthood.

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A woman doing a yoga pose in front of a sunset.
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A book cover with a pink flower on it.
A book cover with a pink flower on it.