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A Life of Learning, Craft and Graft

Now aged 92, Derek Marriott is a proud father, grandfather and great-grandfather who looks back on his achievements with great pride. Starting from humble beginnings, Marriott quickly rose from a below-average schoolboy to a well-above-average student who quickly became a lecturer himself.

In A Life of Learning, Craft and Graft, Marriott recounts the greatest joys and hardships of his life of hard work and service. As an auxiliary officer of the fire service, he assisted the people of East Devon before setting out on his own, which led to the pain of liquidation but also the joy of starting anew. At Sandy Bay, he built a business that drew his family together and provided a great living, allowing him to give back to his community through the Scout movement. Marriott hopes that readers of his book will learn to look ahead with optimism and back with pride in everything they do.

Marriott chronicles his journey through fire service, business challenges, and community involvement, emphasizing resilience, family, and giving back.
Personal Development

Just Kim: You're Enough Today

Beginning in healthcare and rapidly expanding to ownership of a restaurant, TV station, and various other assets, Kim Caudle Lewis built a successful diversified operating company from the ground up. Her memoir, Just Kim: You’re Enough Today, tells the story of Kim’s success as a businesswoman and encourages like-minded women to take the future into their own hands.

Kim Caudle Lewis's memoir chronicles her journey from healthcare to diverse business ownership, inspiring women to pursue entrepreneurial success.
Overcoming Adversity
Personal Development

Finding Purpose Through Pain

In Finding Purpose Through Pain, Sarah Kelley recounts her harrowing journey with stage 3 breast cancer. She emphasizes the importance of self-examination and proactive health management, urging readers not to rely solely on mammograms. The narrative serves as a cautionary tale, encouraging individuals to seek medical attention for any physical irregularities. Through her personal experience, the author underscores the critical nature of early detection and self-advocacy in the fight against breast cancer.

Sarah Kelley chronicles her breast cancer battle, emphasizing early detection and self-advocacy in healthcare.
Overcoming Adversity
Personal Development

Everything Happens For A Reason

In Everything Happens for a Reason, Bimla Ahir's tumultuous life serves as a testament to the author’s resilience and determination. The narrative explores Bimla’s ability to adapt and persevere through extreme adversity. While acknowledging the uncontrollable variables in life, Bimla posits that individuals can take steps to mitigate risks. This memoir emphasises the importance of embracing life's journey and inherent emotional spectrum as an opportunity for continuous learning and growth.

Bimla Ahir's memoir explores resilience through adversity, emphasizing personal growth and risk mitigation in life's unpredictable journey.
Personal Development

"Well, Well" Said Jim, Excitedly

When asked about the secrets of his success, Jim Boon points to faith, family, and friends. In his memoir, Jim explores how righteous living and dedication to maintaining personal relationships yielded his most important assets and bountiful blessings. Demonstrating the power of interpersonal connection, “Well Well,” Said Jim, Excitedly recounts one man’s journey to finding meaning and beauty in life while acknowledging the contributions of those who helped him along the way.

Jim Boon explores how faith, family, and friendships shaped his success and life's meaning in this reflective memoir.

Hilary And Harry Craven: A Story Of Love And Devotion

Hilary and Henry Craven: A Story of Love and Devotion follows the authors from their first meeting at a dance during the Second World War throughout their long and loving marriage. Despite the couple’s diverse backgrounds, they fit perfectly together, supporting one another in business and dedicating themselves to doing their best for their family. Through their passion and hard work, the Cravens teach future generations a way to survive life at its worst and to live life at its finest.

The authors chronicle their enduring love story, from wartime meeting to lifelong partnership, showcasing their dedication to family and business.
Personal Development

Why Does It Hurt?

In Why Does it Hurt?, Gordon Bosworth draws upon forty years of physiotherapy experience to offer insights into injury management. Blending personal anecdotes with professional knowledge, he challenges the notion of rapid recovery in modern society, advocating for a deeper understanding of the body's healing processes developed over millennia. Bosworth views the body as an evolving canvas rather than an exact science, emphasizing the need for an artistic touch in treatment. His work aims to revolutionize physiotherapy practices and improve quality of life.

Gordon Bosworth's Why Does it Hurt? explores injury management, advocating for a nuanced understanding of the body's healing processes.

Can Spouses Team Up in Real Estate? We Did and Here's How!

Lashika and Anthony know many entrepreneurial spouses want to team up but aren’t sure how. Having faced this challenge themselves, they believe it’s a risk worth taking. Their success isn’t due to Ivy League education, investors, or luck—it’s the result of hard-earned life lessons. With enough drive and patience, they believe anyone can improve their business and personal life. Now, they’re eager to share their story and help others achieve success while finding balance as a real estate husband-and-wife team.

Lashika and Anthony know many entrepreneurial spouses want to team up but aren’t sure how. Having faced this challenge themselves, they believe it’s a risk worth taking. Their success isn’t due to Ivy League education, investors, or luck—it’s the result of hard-earned life lessons. With enough drive and patience, they believe anyone can improve their business and personal life. Now, they’re eager to share their story and help others achieve success while finding balance as a real estate husband-and-wife team.

Nai Cheng Yau - My Story

In this reflective memoir, author Nai Cheng Yau expresses contentment with her life's journey. At 74 years old, she claims that her sole remaining wish is to be laid to rest beside her late husband, Stanley. The author fondly remembers Stanley's supportive nature and the sacrifices he made for the sake of their family, thanking him for providing her with many years of joy. This memoir is a testament to the power of faith and family, concluding with the author's gratitude for a life free from suffering.

Nai Cheng Yau reflects on her fulfilling life, expressing gratitude for her late husband's support and her faith-driven journey.
Overcoming Adversity


Bibi pays tribute to the life of Bibi Pritam Kaur. Despite the difficulties in her life, Bibi brought sunshine and lightness to her own being as well as her family. Through her acts of kindness and unwavering dedication to her family, her presence is still felt today in the memory of her successors.

Bibi chronicles Bibi Pritam Kaur's life, highlighting her resilience and enduring impact on family through kindness and dedication.

A Rough Diamond

A Rough Diamond recounts author Norman Allen’s experiences in a bygone era, contrasting his youth with contemporary life and highlighting significant societal changes. While Norman appreciates the comforts his children enjoy, he notes the difficulty younger generations face in fully comprehending the challenges of the past. This memoir serves as a bridge between historical hardships and present-day conveniences, offering insights into the evolution of societal norms and values.

Norman Allen contrasts his youth with modern life, exploring societal changes and generational perspectives in this reflective memoir.
Overcoming Adversity

It Will Be Long, But Not Forever

Fionia Salmon shares a powerful personal journey of overcoming immense challenges as a young mother pursuing a university education. Facing poverty, abuse, and the heartbreaking loss of her son, she struggled without proper support but found strength in her faith in God. It Will Be Long, But Not Forever is a story of resilience, determination, and survival, turning life's obstacles into stepping stones toward a better life. Through her book, Fionia aims to inspire others facing similar adversities, emphasising that hardships are temporary and can be overcome with faith and perseverance. Her journey from despair to triumph offers hope to those in difficult circumstances.

Each of these books explore personal journeys of resilience and overcoming adversity. In It Will Be Long, But Not Forever, Fionia Salmon shares her struggles as a young mother facing poverty, abuse, and loss, drawing strength from faith to inspire others.
Personal Development


Resilience contains Rachel Gigger's reflections on her journey of perseverance and acceptance. The narrative explores Rachel's struggle against adversity, symbolized by physical scars that serve as tangible evidence of her battles. The author emphasizes the role of faith in her resilience and ultimate triumph over challenges, acknowledging the limits of her control while maintaining a determined spirit. The work offers a testament to human endurance and the power of self-reflection in the face of life's hardships.

Rachel Gigger explores personal resilience through faith and self-reflection, using physical scars as symbols of overcoming adversity and embracing life's challenges.
Personal Development

Spanning the Life of a Nonagenarian

Spanning the Life of a Nonagenarian follows Mauro “Mario” Vitelli along his inspiring journey from a vibrant Brooklyn childhood during the Great Depression to military service, a fulfilling career at AT&T, and a lifetime of dedicated charitable work. This captivating memoir shares tales of close-knit family bonds, enduring friendships, and the values that guided the author’s life. From street games to repairing transmitters during the Korean War and rising through the ranks at AT&T, Mario’s story is a testament to hard work, resilience, and the power of community.

Mauro Vitelli's Spanning the Life of a Nonagenarian chronicles his journey from Depression-era Brooklyn through his military service, career, and charitable work.
Overcoming Adversity
Personal Development

Very Much Alive: How A Terminal Illness Inspired a LIfe of Adventure, Meaning, and Purpose

Paul Jameson’s Very Much Alive: How a Terminal Illness Inspired a Life of Adventure, Meaning, and Purpose is an inspiring memoir by an adventurous individual diagnosed with Motor Neuron Disease. This captivating book takes readers on a profound exploration of life's meaning and the power of embracing death. With heartfelt anecdotes and a positive outlook, Paul shares his incredible experiences, from scaling mountains to attending major sports events. Along the way, he challenges societal taboos, advocates for compassionate end-of-life choices and creates Aura, an innovative online platform for celebrating life and managing death.

Paul Jameson's Very Much Alive explores life's meaning through his journey with Motor Neuron Disease, advocating for end-of-life choices and celebrating adventure.
Personal Development

High Risk, High Reward: A Tale Of Chances

High Risk, High Reward: A Tale of Chances follows Louis Brooks from his rough upbringing in Newark, New Jersey through his numerous successes in the professional world and stock market. Through personal anecdotes and advice, Louis' memoir encourages readers to remain steadfastly dedicated to their goals and live without regrets.

Louis Brooks chronicles his journey from Newark to success, offering advice on perseverance and goal-setting in this inspiring memoir.

My Farming Career

Born and raised in a small Dutch farming community, young Rudy Gengler knew little about the outside world before boarding a plane to Canada on a whim. My Farming Career tells the story of Rudy as he leaves his home with a single suitcase and $500 to carve out a life defined by adventure and friendship.

Rudy Gengler's memoir chronicles his journey from a small Dutch farm to Canada, exploring themes of adventure and friendship.
Personal Development

One Of The Walking Wounded

One of the Walking Wounded documents Jan Murray's life of trauma, hardship and hope. Recalling her most formative experiences, Jan reflects upon the ways in which her most formative experiences shaped her, emphasising her need to build resilience and remain steadfast in her work ethic along the way.

Jan Murray's memoir explores trauma, resilience, and perseverance through formative experiences, emphasizing the importance of resilience in overcoming adversity.

The Bunny

You can't pick up a copy of "The Bunny" without immediately wanting to know more. If a picture's worth a thousand words, then this book cover is a novel in itself, speaking volumes before you even turn the first page. The book covers Williams' inspirational migrational journey to California and all the ups and downs he encountered along the way.

You can't pick up a copy of "The Bunny" without immediately wanting to know more. If a picture's worth a thousand words, then this book cover is a novel in itself, speaking volumes before you even turn the first page. The book covers Williams' inspirational migrational journey to California and all the ups and downs he encountered along the way.
Overcoming Adversity
Personal Development

A Wise Woman Once Said...

Cynthia Roobottom’s A Wise Woman Once Said recounts the difficulties of the author’s experience as a homosexual member of the Air Force during the 1960s. In her memoir, Cynthia describes her time in the Air Force, the events which prompted her to join and those which transpired afterwards, reflecting upon how her time in the military shaped her into a strong and brilliant woman.

Escaping a chaotic childhood, Cynthia enlisted searching for a sense of order, despite the illegality of being a homosexual in the Air Force. Forced to hide her true identity, A Wise Woman Once Said examines the difficulties and successes of a homosexual woman navigating military life.

Cynthia Roobottom chronicles her experiences as a gay Air Force member in the 1960s, exploring personal growth amid adversity and hidden identity.

Would you buy a car from this man?

In Would You Buy a Car from this Man?, Adrian Kermode reflects on life's formative experiences, emphasising the importance of self-reliance and hard work. Adrian acknowledges the role of fortune in his journey while advocating for the passionate pursuit of one's goals, encouraging readers to seize opportunities and take action. This perspective highlights the value of proactive engagement with one's aspirations and the significance of time in shaping personal and professional trajectories.

Adrian Kermode explores life's lessons, emphasizing self-reliance and determination while acknowledging fortune's role in achieving personal goals.
Personal Development

What would happen if...? How I built a business brand just by being curious

What Would Happen if...? follows Amanda Hamilton as she grapples with societal pressure to conform while harbouring a strong desire for individuality and adventure. Driven by curiosity and a proactive mindset, Amanda questions established norms and seeks to chart her own path. The narrative explores the tension between conformity and self-expression, highlighting the author's inclination to challenge the status quo. Through a series of unconventional choices and experiences, Amanda ultimately forges a unique identity, attributing her current circumstances to an unwavering spirit of inquiry and independence.

Amanda Hamilton navigates societal pressures and personal desires, questioning norms and pursuing individuality through unconventional choices and experiences.
Personal Development

My Escape From The Delusions of Christianity

My Escape from the Delusions of Christianity records the details and events of Major (retired) Robert Marlow's journey from a witness and born-again Christian for nearly four decades to transitioning in 2013 to a free-thinking Deist.In his debut book, Marlow goes into great detail as to why he abandoned his Christian faith and belief in Jesus while presenting a compelling analysis that rejects the claims of the Christian religion. Citing verses from the Bible and text from renowned scientists like Roger Dawkins and Carl Sagan, he exposes the falsehoods, inconsistencies, dangers and moral repugnancy which he believes is practised by the Christian doctrine.

Besides expressing doubt in Christianity, My Escape from the Delusions of Christianity also offers an alternative viewpoint for a rewarding and meaningful way of living as a freethinker. Marlow explains how important it is to help others and oneself as this brief life may be all which is offered. He details his own intellectual journey toward a secular view of life based on science and reason.

My Escape from the Delusions of Christianity is a great resource for those battling with their own doubts about their faith. It also sheds light on the theory that Christianity is based on a largely fictional retelling of events, many told in a malignant fashion. Whether one is a lifelong believer, devout atheist, or someone who is straddling the line between both ideas, My Escape from the Delusions of Christianity will challenge readers with provocative ideas that are meant to question their faith and shake up their belief systems.

Robert Marlow chronicles his transition from Christianity to Deism, critiquing Christian doctrine and advocating for a secular, science-based worldview.
Overcoming Adversity
Personal Development

The Other Side of the Mountain

Razia Suleman's The Other Side of the Mountain is an international story documenting the author's turbulent life across four continents. Beginning in India during Partition before taking her to Africa, Europe and North America, the story follows Razia through her career, marriage and divorce, exploring the key moments which defined her life along the way.

Razia Suleman's memoir spans four continents, chronicling her life from India's Partition through career, marriage, and divorce in Africa, Europe and North America.

It All Started with a Rope: 160 Years of Mammut

The story of Mammut is one of 160 years of innovation and progress. From the company’s humble beginnings as a ropemaker in 1862 to their position today as a leader in mountain sports products, Mammut has always been moved by a desire to reach new heights. It All Started with a Rope: 160 Years of Mammut is a celebration of the company’s heritage and determination, adaptability and resilience, showcasing its history as well as the stories of many of the inspirational athletes in mountain sports who represent Mammut.

This memoir chronicles Mammut's 160-year evolution from ropemaker to mountain sports leader, highlighting innovation and athlete stories.

Vic Van d'n Dippo

Vic Van d'n Dippo chronicles Victor Lemmens' life in the Dutch village of Schimmert, focusing on the periods before, during, and after World War II. The narrative provides a firsthand account of Victor's experiences intended primarily for his descendants. It details his career as manager of the Boerenbond until age 60, followed by nearly three decades of retirement. The book serves as a personal historical record, offering insights into rural Dutch life through the lens of one individual's journey through a tumultuous period in European history.

Vic Van d'n Dippo recounts Victor Lemmens' life in rural Netherlands, spanning World War II and his career at Boerenbond.
Overcoming Adversity
Personal Development

The Vermillion Protègè

The Vermillion Protègè tells the story of former NFL player Matthew Saye Gono’s search for fulfilment in the face of adversity. Beginning with his rise to fame, Matthew’s memoir recounts how a series of injuries derailed the aspiring athlete’s career, pushing him to discover new ways to find fulfilment via family, friends and furthering his education.

Matthew Saye Gono's memoir chronicles his journey from NFL stardom to personal growth after career-ending injuries.

The Hintons of Harrow Hill

In The Hintons of Harrow Hill, authors Deanna and James Hinton discuss their nonconformist nature, innate curiosity and desire for adventure, reflecting upon how these shared qualities lead them to question the status quo and embrace a proactive approach to life. The narrative highlights the authors' independent spirits and willingness to challenge conventional wisdom. Through personal anecdotes and introspection, the authors emphasise the importance of individuality and the role of curiosity in shaping their personal journeys and achievements.

Deanna and James Hinton explore nonconformity, curiosity, and adventure, emphasizing individuality and challenging conventions through personal anecdotes and reflections.
Personal Development

I Was Young Once Too

I Was Young Once Too tells the incredible story of Tony Willson. From soldier to father, Tony’s journey is one of resilience, adventure and unwavering love. Adopted as a baby, Tony spends his youth searching for identity and purpose. His path leads him to the military, where he serves with distinction in Northern Ireland, the Falklands War, and Iraq. Through marriage, challenges, and career changes, Tony's fighting spirit never wavers, granting him a successful life full of family, friends and joy.

Tony Willson's I Was Young Once Too chronicles his journey from adopted child to soldier, father, and resilient adventurer.
Overcoming Adversity
Personal Development

Can You Hear Me Now?

Can You Hear Me Now? is a moving call to action based on author Pamela Furr's daily struggles and responsibilities as the mother of an autistic child. The founder of Puzzle Box Academy, a private school based in Florida dedicated to supporting children with autism, Pamela provides guidance, support, and advocacy for parents navigating the challenges of raising children with autism. She stresses the importance of meeting the unique needs of individuals on the autism spectrum while discussing the difficulties parents encounter when attempting to access appropriate interventions for their children.

Pamela Furr's Can You Hear Me Now? offers guidance for parents of autistic children drawn from her personal experiences and advocacy work.
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On A Path To The Judas Tree

The Judas Tree documents author Liz Rayner's journey along the path of faith and forgiveness. Documenting her turbulent early life before transitioning to her medical career, Liz reflects upon personal anecdotes and emphasises the importance of diligence and religion.

Liz Rayner explores faith, forgiveness, and personal growth in The Judas Tree, reflecting on her turbulent youth and medical career.

Papa's World View

Originally written for his grandchildren, J. Larry Mayes' Papa's World View acts as the author's legacy, preserving his spirit for and passing his work ethic on to his descendants. Containing his thoughts on love, family, philosophy and faith, Larry's memoir is a guidebook for those looking to live a life which exemplifies the values of hard work, family and faith.

J. Larry Mayes offers insights on love, family, and faith, serving as a guidebook for living with strong values.
Personal Development

Faith in a Foreign Land

Embark on a transformative journey with Fatima as she unveils the essence of her being in this poignant biography. From humble beginnings to triumphant moments, her life is a testament to resilience, faith and unwavering love under the guidance of her Creator. Through the peaks and valleys of her journey, Fatima's steadfast commitment to persevere and uplift others shines through. Join her as she shares her story, inviting readers to find inspiration and strength amidst life's challenges. This book celebrates the human spirit's capacity to endure and thrive, guided by faith, love and divine guidance.

Embark on a transformative journey with Fatima as she unveils the essence of her being in this poignant biography.
Personal Development

Moments In Time

In Moments in Time, author Ernest Caley recounts a series of humorous anecdotes and adventures from his life. Ernest’s book compiles events ranging from childhood pranks to adult escapades, highlighting the penchant for mischief and risk-taking which persists throughout his life.

Ernest Caley recounts humorous anecdotes and adventures from childhood to adulthood, showcasing his lifelong penchant for mischief and risk-taking.

Warrior Within

Drawing on her years of professional experience as a family court consultant, Angela Van’s Warrior Within is a guidebook which teaches the reader how to transform family court struggles into victories.

Angela Van's Warrior Within guides readers in transforming family court struggles into victories.
Personal Development

The Octopus

The Octopus is an international tale of politics, corruption and intrigue documenting David Croft’s interactions with Brazilian government officials.

The Octopus is an international tale of politics, corruption and intrigue documenting David Croft’s interactions with Brazilian government officials.

Blessed Beyond Measure

In Blessed Beyond Measure, Reverend George Davis recounts his story of a life of service and faith. Throughout his memoir, Rev. Davis expresses his gratitude to God for granting him the opportunity to serve the community and make an impact on the lives of the local youth. A life of service has given the Reverend many opportunities to explore the world and a means to provide for his family, which he counts foremost among the many blessings he has received throughout his life.

Reverend George Davis recounts his life of faith and service, expressing gratitude for opportunities to impact youth and explore the world.

How To Paint Change

The founder and CEO of Global Paint for Charity, Inc., Rony S. DelGarde’s How to Paint Change demonstrates how colour can and must be a force for good and sustainability in the developing world.

Rony S. DelGarde's How to Paint Change explores colour's potential as a catalyst for positive change and sustainability in developing nations.

Family Is Fortune

Family is Fortune follows the story of Patricia and George Evangelis as they leave behind their small Greek village and immigrate to the United States. Remaining steadfast to their values, the pair builds a successful business and happy family in their new home.

Patricia and George Evangelis build a prosperous life in America while maintaining their cultural values.
Overcoming Adversity

Being My Own Statistic

Marianne Dyer’s Being My Own Statistic shares the lessons learned from the author’s experience with a life-threatening medical condition. Following her diagnosis, Marianne decides to treat her condition as her own fight, developing her own method of combating her illness and learning to appreciate the many gifts and blessings she has received throughout her life.

“Marianne, you've got to be your own statistic.” It’s probably the best piece of advice I’ve ever had. I had to treat my diagnosis as my own fight and do it my way. And that’s what I’ve done. It has struck me since then that that is how I have lived my whole life, doing it my own unique way; this is just the next challenge along the way. Creating this book has really made me realise what an amazing life this has been and how fortunate I am. I have lived, I have loved, and I have been loved, and I am so grateful.

Marianne Dyer chronicles her battle with illness, developing a unique approach and reflecting on life's blessings in her memoir.
Overcoming Adversity

Invictus In Adversity

Invictus in Adversity follows Christopher Lucas as he perseveres in the face of extreme tragedy and hardship. At a time when most would settle down with their partner, Christopher experiences the loss of his home, career, physical strength and opportunity to raise a family of his own. By sharing the story of his struggle, the author hopes he inspires readers to smile in the midst of any hardship.

Christopher Lucas faces devastating losses, yet perseveres. His story inspires resilience in the face of extreme adversity.
Personal Development

The Extraordinary Life Of An Ordinary Man

The Extraordinary Life of an Ordinary Man tells the exciting story of James Marino as he makes difficult decisions and perseveres in the face of adversity on his path to success.

James Marino's memoir chronicles his journey through life's challenges, exploring personal growth and resilience in the face of adversity.
Personal Development

Leonard Gray: A Nuclear Chemist's Story

Leonard Gray: A Nuclear Chemist’s Story follows the author through his extensive career in the field of nuclear chemistry. Dedicating himself to the field for over half a century, Dr. Gray transitions from a nuclear weapons specialist to a mentor for numerous young scientists and engineers before pioneering advancements in the field of plutonium forensics. Highlighting the author’s strong Christian faith and its contributions to his success, A Nuclear Chemist’s Story documents the long and eventful history of Dr. Gray's life.

Leonard Gray's A Nuclear Chemist's Story chronicles his career transition from weapons specialist to mentor and innovator in plutonium forensics.
Overcoming Adversity
Personal Development

Road To Remission

Road to Remission documents author Scott Davis’ arduous fight against cancer. Following the author from his terminal diagnosis to miraculous remission, Scott’s story is an inspiring tale of recovery in the face of tremendous suffering which inspires those battling life-threatening illnesses to continue the fight.

Scott Davis chronicles his cancer battle, from terminal diagnosis to remission, offering inspiration for those facing life-threatening illnesses.
Overcoming Adversity
Personal Development

Fifteen Minutes and Counting: Never Stop Fighting

Fifteen Minutes and Counting: Never Stop Fighting tells the remarkable true story of Darren’s fight with and recovery from COVID-19. The first person to come out of a COVID ward alive, Darren’s experience has impacted every aspect of his life since.

The book depicts how he went on to become the NHS’s most prolific UK blood plasma donor, volunteered at vaccine centres and came to write a book about his experiences.

But more than this, Fifteen Minutes and Counting is for and about everyone who experienced the tragedy and trauma of the global pandemic – the patients, the healthcare practitioners, the families and friends of those directly affected by the virus, the survivors, and those who sadly did not survive. By sharing his story, Darren celebrates the remarkable efforts of everyone on the frontline of this devastating crisis and raises awareness of the work still to come.

Darren Buttrick recounts his COVID-19 survival, subsequent plasma donations, and volunteer work, reflecting on the pandemic's impact and frontline efforts.
Overcoming Adversity

If It Wasn't For Men

If It Weren't For Men is a captivating memoir that exposes the harsh realities faced by women in the business world. Taking the reader back to a time when sexism was rampant and women struggled to find their place, Susan de May recounts her own experiences as a female entrepreneur. From being mistreated by a male bank manager to persevering through personal and global setbacks, Susan chronicles the highs and lows of her incredible journey.

Susan de May's If It Weren't For Men chronicles her struggles as a female entrepreneur in a male-dominated business world.

Frankly Freke

In FranklyFreke, Patrick Freke Evans recounts a life full of adventure. His story begins when, as a young man, he heads to Germany with the British Army of the Rhine. It proves to be a formative experience; one where the naiveté of youth is swiftly replaced by hard-learned wisdom.

Patrick continues on his military adventures from desert encampments in Bahrain and Aden to lotus-eating in Cyprus and war in Oman. Meandering pathways eventually lead to true love and domestic bliss, trading freewheeling bachelorhood for family and political aspirations.

Patrick Freke Evans chronicles his military adventures and personal growth, from youthful naivety to love and political ambitions.
Personal Development

De Wereld Als Thuis

In De Wereld Als Thuis, Yolanda Weldring recounts the exciting story of her life from her childhood in North Holland and studies in Groningen to a transcontinental career in youth care and development cooperation.

She candidly recalls her experiences with lovers, family, friends and colleagues, as well the lessons she learned and the experiences that shaped her world and self-image. The result is a sharp and passionate plea for a better world in which people treat each other, animals and nature with more care and compassion.

Yolanda Weldring chronicles her journey from Holland to a global career, advocating for compassion towards people, animals, and nature.

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A book cover with a sunset and a tree.
A woman doing a yoga pose in front of a sunset.
A book with an image of an octopus on it.
A book cover with a pink flower on it.
A book cover with a pink flower on it.